Kentow Town 

"Don't give me that face, kid," the blind old man said to Frank.

"The competition is a good thing, and not everyone gets the chance to apply for, much less participate in, such a grand event," the blind man explained to Frank.

Of course, it didn't move Frank, who just stared at him with a blank expression on his face.

"The nourishment pool is not the only prize," said the blind old man, who finally resorted to enticement.

Frank looked at the old man for a few more awkward seconds before asking

"What kind of prizes?" Frank finally spoke.

"Now you're talking," the blind old man exclaimed, relieved.

The competition was really beneficial to someone like Frank, who was smart and talented, he would get to mix with talents from all over the city and receive several resources depending on how well he did, as well as the support of someone influential that is if he got lucky.