Did We Hit Gold?

As soon as The hand joined the fray taking the lives of several city guards Bor went into overdrive

He start swinging crazily at the head guard of this team 

Seeing this the other mercenary also increased his effort several of his men were either dead or knocked out he had no hope of advancing anymore 

So he decided to take out his frustration on the guards 

Meanwhile another group of mercenaries Rode over on horse back 

If Bor and the others were there they would quickly be able to identify that these guys were the same people that sneak attacked them previously

they were heading right for the battlefield where Bor was 


"You are good mahn…." The stone serpent army cadet said as he looked at frank in the eyes 

He was bloodied at this point 

Frank had spared no espense in taking him down from cheap tricks to sacrifices Frank did it all 

And finally Frank succeed 

The stone serpent army cadet could no longer take it he was exhausted physically and mentally