Town of blades 

She caught it and weighed the bag for a few seconds.

Meanwhile, Frank walked off.

He had sent Arian on a mission to set fire to the shop in the commercial area in the north west; it was the best option for now, because they couldn't attack the shop because the central city guard had the place on lockdown.

Burning it not only served as revenge, but also helped them get rid of any form of evidence that might remain in the shop that could incriminate peri

"Kid, come over here," from in front of the mansion Half Moon's voice resounded

Hearing it frank quickly made his way over.

Half Moon was seated with the old man from the unkept town. Sightless, they were playing chess.

"Come, take a look at this strategy here; I've cornered him from all sides," Half Moon said as he beckoned Frank.

"Sigh" Frank of course couldnt help, but sigh, half moon called him over to boast about beating a blind man in chess?

"Tell him to make a move then," Sightless said calmly.