Zhu Que, The Rags to Riches Protagonist

Zhu Que, The Rags to Riches Protagonist

The female Child of the Plane was a humble village girl named Zhu Que.

She was born in a small fishing village on the most southern tip of the Southern Continent in the year of 961, making her a year older than Xue Bai but a year younger than Huo Long.

Usually, the ocean in the Baishen Plane was the most terrifying place, as not only were the waters deeper than how higher the skies were, but also how many demonic beasts lurked within.

This also made the fisherman occupation almost completely extinct, as to be able to catch the ferocious demonic beats within the oceans, one had to have the matching strength. Because, unlike forests where with enough rearing, one could control the population and strengths of the demonic beasts within, the ocean was too big and mysterious to be controlled.

Making it a place uncontrolled and untouched by humanity.