

A few minutes before Xue Bai's disappearance

Yue Zifeng didn't take more than a few minutes to exterminate all of the Wang Clan members still in the estate.

Since Wang Yichen took all of the powerhouses, none of the ones that remained were even above the Law Engraving realm, while most were still in the 5 physical realms, making it extremely easy.

All Yue Zifeng needed to do was spread out his Spiritual Sense across the entire estate and send directions to the Core Elders, who would then follow his commands.

However, any Wang Clan descendants who were hidden behind a defensive array or a far-to-reach spot, Yue ZIfeng would take care of personally sending a volley of conjured swords in their direction.

He didn't even need to control them manually as after he conjured them, his swords seemed to have a mind of their own and would reach their target no matter the distance or what impeded their progress.