Gaining a New Nickname

Gaining a New Nickname

The person at Xue Bai's door was a familiar face, but it wasn't one he liked.

Standing at the door of his courtyard was the ex-owner of this courtyard, and the person that Xue Bai very nearly killed out of anger, Lin Fu.

"Hello, Prince Consort." Lin Fu awkwardly said as he tried to force a smile on his face.

Now that Xue Bai's identity had been revealed, Lin Fu had been living in fear for the past week. Thankfully it seemed that Xue Bai wasn't the petty type, so Lin Fu was able to continue living.

However, after his first interaction with Xue Bai, Lin Fu swore never to interact with this walking calamity again.

But to his anguish, his Master had forced him to go back to this calamity and relay a message. If not for that, Lin Fu would rather stay with the Grey-Robed Students than come back here.

"Stop wasting my time and speak your mind!" Xue Bai once again shouted, bringing Lin Fu back to reality.