Living As Someone Else

"What will make a teenager want to take her life or wish to leave as someone else?" Nia grumbled to herself. It was then that memory of herself wishing to live as someone else flashed her mind's eye, putting her earlier puzzle in one piece.

But then, her issues didn't matter anymore to her. What she wanted to know badly was why a teenager will wish for death and she could only get her answers living as young Nia. To see life from a different perspective through a teenager's eyes. Besides all, she felt herself and young Nia were connected in a way. But the type of person she was, she had no idea about.

"Nia–" Her mother's voice interrupted from the hall once again but this time, she sounded a bit irritated. "Don't let me come up there again." She shouted.

"I will be there soon," Nia replied, glancing at the diary once again before returning it where she took it from. There was no other option left for her than to live her life as young Nia until she finds a way to get to her own body. With everything decided, she rushed to the washroom to freshen up.

She took off her nightwear, about to open the shower when she noticed a scare of a cut on the thigh of her delicate body. She almost screamed but held herself back to prevent her parents from racing to her room. Her breath instantly quickened, examining it.

"Oh my God." She gasped, "Why would she do something like this to herself?" She queried but didn't get any answers. Brooding over was also not going to solve this dilemma in any way so she went on to take her bath.

After about 15mins, she shuffled back into her room and headed straight for the drawer. "Living as someone else is sure not going to be easy." She said, pulling the door open. She lurked into it and spotted the light shade gray uniform neatly ironed, hanging in the right corner of the wardrobe. It was a white blouse top tie coupled with a pleated skirt and a vest. It also had white knee socks and a statement jacket to go with. Nia quickly reached for it and dropped them on the bed.

She hastily shuffled over to the dressing table, smeared on some pomade, and went back to the bed. She took the uniform and skidded into them. With the help of a blue ribbon, she pulled her curly hair into a ponytail.

She looked herself up in the mirror for a while then staggered out of the room into the corridor, adjusting her bag over her shoulders as she hurried to the stairs. She couldn't believe she was living as a high schooler once again.

Mrs. Ford, Nia's mother was the first to see her descending the stairs. "What kept you up there?" She said, settling in her seat after serving Mr. Ford and Mavin, Nia's 9years old brother. Getting to the end of the stairs, Nia staggered to the table with her shoulders tensed.

"Well–" She stuttered while slightly pulling back her chair which made a scrapping sound in the process. "I was just putting up some things together." She hastily muttered, hanging her bag around the chair.

Without waiting for another second, she reached out to the plate of sandwich seated in the middle of the table and served herself, doing her possible best to avoid her parent's gaze.

She knew from their facial expressions that there was something on their minds they wanted to talk about. Even the mood around the table made it obvious but she just couldn't figure it out.

"Nia?" Mrs. Ford suddenly called just when Nia was about to bite into her sandwich, making her pause midway to glance up at her. "Is there something you want to talk about?" She said.

Nia lurked around to see almost everybody's gaze on her except for Mavin who was a bit distracted by his food. "You can tell us anything you know? I just don't understand why you did that to yourself." Mrs. Ford's forehead furrowed with worry.

"Did something happen?" Nia queried with a quizzical gaze. Both Mr. and Mrs. Ford glanced at each other confused.

"Did you loss your memory too?" Mrs. Ford questioned, staring expectantly.

"Nia dear?" Mr. Ford snapped which made Natalia slightly glance at him then back to Nia. "Do you want me to go talk to your Principal? You've changed a lot lately. I don't know what's going on with you but you hardly say anything to anyone. We don't even know what would have happened to you if your mother had not found you earlier after taking those pills." Mr. Ford hinted.

Fortunately for them, Natalia was a doctor and was able to curtail Nia's health from deteriorating any further after finding her unconscious. It was then that everything started getting clearer to Nia after her father hinted at what happened.

Mr. Ford was still trying to get Nia to open up when Natalia's phone rang. She answered and after 2mins, hung up.

"I have to get to the hospital now." Mrs. Ford said, pushing the phone into the handbag beside her. She jolted up, about to pack the dishes but her husband stopped him. "I will do that. I still have about 30mins before living for the station."

"Alright then," She smiled. "I will drop Nia and Mavin in school then." She tilted her head towards Nia and Mavin to which they both shrugged up from their seats, picking up their bags.

"See you later dear," Natalia muttered and hurried out of the door followed by Mavin and Nia. Getting to the car, Natalia Ford settled in the driver's seat whiles Nia and Mavin settled in the back.

After a few seconds, she sped off. Nia stared out of the window, watching as their car drove into the streets with lots of things still unknown.