A silent battlefield

After finishing the second wave, Williams was a little bit tired. After all he had just used his powers on a large scale. Standing on his feet was already a miracle.

"Sir, we have a problem" The general came to meet him when he was about to catch his breath.

"There really is no rest" Williams smiled bitterly.

"Sir, we have just discovered another wave of zombies and they are coming in fast. I-I don't even know how something has huge as that could escape our radar. It's not like they suddenly appear out of thin air." The general gave Williams a full report.

Williams focused on his hearing and he was able to hear the running steps of the zombies, "They are closing in fast, how is this possible. Are you sure you you didn't make a mistake or something?"

The general shook his head, "I checked them myself sir and believe me when I said they were not suppose to reach here until sunset."