
Katherine succumbs and Jason's rejection.

Richy – Rich

Katherine is seen in the sitting room pacing up and down, with her phone on her hand after some hesitating; she dialed the phone, and it rang for some time and went off. So she tried again.

"Hello! Jason," With wild ecstasy,

"Hi! Ka-te,"

"I am ready to do it," she said with her eyes on the mouthpiece of the phone.

"Do what?" He asked in quick trigger.

"Hmm! I am ready to get down," with a cheerful tone.

"Get down with what?" He retorted in fury.

"Come on, Jason! Don't be a jerk. I am ready for Kamasutra;" she replied with a careless wink.

"Hahaha!" He laughs on.

"Jason stop laughing, I am so ready, tonight, now, whenever you want, I am all yours," she tries to put on a coquettish accent.

"You are so funny Kate! Now listen, I don't want you anymore, it is over between us, don't call me again, I don't want to see your obese pork body near anywhere I stay. And go fuck yourself," He blared with firmness in his voice.

"Jason! Jason!" with her hands on her chest.

On the mouthpiece was a fading sound of a male and female laughing together in unison.

Richard and Valerie is seen lying on a settee together watching a movie with Valerie dawning a crop top with a sky blue jeans fitting her hips to perfection.

As they both giggled at a particular scene; Valerie stared at Richard with seductive drowsy eyes.

"Let's go inside" she said as she winked towards the bedroom direction.

"You wanna sleep so soon?" Richard asked in a confrontation avoiding manner.

"Come on! Don't be a jerk, you know what I mean, don't you?" as she pushes her long hairs away from her chest.

"Val! I thought we have gone through this before?" with a consternation on his mannerism.

"I know, that's why I want it now," she said in a girlish mischievous manner.

"See Val; I see sex as a tape that bonds two together. Which can only be used once at matrimony otherwise it loses it bond."

"Oh! I thought you were an atheist?" She quizzes.

"Yeah! But I believe in something, that's a pure conscience" as he touches her jaw.

"I hope this sermon is not coming from a sterile believer, if I may ask?" with a Stern look.

"Come on Valerie, I am fertile like a loam. I am a doctor, though for animals, but I know sex is a no-no test for me."

"Oh! You feel I am a whore?" as she pulled herself away from Richard.

"No Valerie, I just want us to have the right foundation;" as he reached for her hands.

"Let go of me; You act as a gay when the bedroom light goes off and want me to blindly follow you into marriage, so that you can torture me with orgies with your male lover's all over the slums, you must be kidding me;" as she stood up in anger.

"Let's go to the bedroom now or it's over between us – mind you, I am dead serious, so you better think fast," with a stoic face and a hand pointing the direction of the bedroom.

"Come on Val! I know you are not serious," as he stood up to try to bring Valerie down to sit.

"I am dead serious," she wriggled herself away from him, sending him back to the settee like a pack of card.

"Where is all this coming from? I thought you were a Christian?" as he tries to phantom its impact on her resolve.

"A – No!" She nodded – "I don't expect much from a gay."

She walked to the door with a flash as she was about closing the door, she said,

"It's over between us – if you must know, I am a Christian." slamming the door to the hinges threshold.


Katherine is driving back from the grocery store, along the side walk, two couples were kissing and caressing.

"Oh! (She cover's her face), honeymoon on the side walk, come on get a bed."

Like déjà vu – "Oh Jason!" she quickly pullover at the side; and ran out of the car. Only close to the two lovers, she remembered to pull her clothes down her hips and quickly gave a hand brush-like comb of her hair and walked slowly to them.

"Hey Jason!" as she stood close; Both Jason and his lover were still kissing passionately without heeding.

"Jason!" as she tapped him firmly.

"Always a wrong timer, Katherine! Can't you see I am having a good time with my queen?"

"Hi! Jason" as she spoke through her nose.

"Hi Kate! What's up? Meet my queen Rose – and Rose – Kate" as he points them to each other.

"Oh! I know, that fart clown, sugar mummy of yours" she giggled.

"Don't let me pierce my fist through your toothpick body" she tries to go for her.

Jason quickly stepped in between.

"Katie! Katie! What do you want?" he inquired as he pulls her fist down.

(Exhaled) "Jason! Can we talk – alone?" with red cheek.

"Ok! Not more than a minute, cause I don't want to keep my sugar-plum waiting! I know you don't understand that," as they both laughed dissing Katherine.

"Jason, I have been trying to reach you for months, what happened to us?" she inquired while stroking his biceps.

"I still love you Jason, I really do," Jason stood without a word.

"Jason! Say something please," as she burst out crying to ease her pent of emotions.

"Is that all?" He walked back to Rose and then she yelled.

"Bounce! go find a bear like yah! You sure know where to find them" she winked at Katherine.

Katherine rushed at her landing an aimless punch on the shoulder of Jason.

"It's over Katie! Stop acting like a shameless fat bully." His words suck up all Katherine's resolve and she instantly stopped the brawl.

Jason quickly swirled Rose off her feet and carried her towards the opposite path of the side walk while kissing her and she giggled in his arms. Katherine stared at them.

As she got hold of herself with tears freely flowing, she looked round and walked hastily to her car.


Richard is seen walking to Valerie's apartment at exactly 7am, as he moved close to the door. He tapped it twice.

"Who is at the door? (Baritone), I am coming."

With apprehension, he quickly fazes any doubt away from his face as he ponders on what to tell Valerie.

The door opened wide enough for a head poke.

"Hi! I am Jake and you are?" with a smiling sweaty face.

"Richard! Can I see Valerie?" he asked, from his assessment the man before him was in his nudes.

"Honey! Someone is here to see you," as he yelled.

"Who?" Valerie echoed far off.

"Sorry, what's your name again?" He asked still smiling.

"Richard!" he retorted.

"Oh! Rich…" He jerked as a smack on his bare buttocks goes out.

"I am here! You can go in" as Valerie winked lustfully at him.

He whisked his head away from the door and ran in.

"Hi, Richard!" She said as she stepped outside, closing the door behind her.

Valerie was wearing a male sleeve long enough to reach half her thighs with her nipples visible from the smooth glossy feel of the raiment.

"Hi Valerie! Why have you been avoiding me?" he said in a faint touching tone.

"Avoiding you – No, but don't want to see you – Yes!" in a sarcastic tone.

"Valerie, what happened to us? Can we just go back to us being us again, Please!" with him holding her hands.

"There was never us and needless to remind you – I have moved on with my life, so let go of me," with ease she ripped herself free from his grasp.

"Honey! I am waiting!" Jake's voice sounds from inside the house with excitement and vigour.

"Coming!" She snapped with a tilted head.

"And you! You better leave, you don't wanna taste the wrath of a horny m-a-n!" she giggled mischievously as she quickly sneaked in and shut the door.

Richard just stood rooted with numbness as a solo tears rolled down his chin.