
Death of Jack and breakup.


At Reach guest house, the crowd was seen roaring in ecstasy and at the stage with enchanting lights, stood "Ed-Sheeran", his iconic hair and scintillating acoustic guitar strapped from his shoulders. He wore a black polo and blue shorts and a leather sandal. On his neck was a conspicuous totem pendant and he gave a soulful rendition of 'Perfect' to the awe of the crowd.

At the middle of the light-headed crowd were Richard and Katherine. Richard was behind Katherine stance for stance with his hands around her waist, as he whispered in the ears of Katherine the love-struck lyrics of 'Perfect'. At the tail of Ed-sheeran's performance of the song, Richard knelt before Katherine as the crowd circled around them.

"Katherine – i am lost without you, to find me – i need you in my life, so! Would you marry me?"

Katherine was star-struck as she flashed her gaze to random faces, all prompting her to say yes! Last was 'Ed-Sheeran' who comically nods and smiled juvenilely.

"Yes! Richard i would marry you!" she stood Richard up and hugged him passionately in tears. The crowd roared with shouts and claps.


Early in the morning, Richard dropped Katherine at her house and zoomed off. Katherine whistled aloud as she walked to her door. As she opened the door, she flung her shoes away and walked to the bedroom while calling "Jack!"

At the spine to her room, she saw traces of blood stains on the floor and when she reached her bedroom. She saw Jack lying in a shallow pool of blood.

She quickly reached for him and found out that the stitches he had from the transplant has been ripped. She called Richard to meet her at the hospital, called the emergency line of the hospital and frenzied off to the hospital.


At the hospital, Jack died in the arms of Katherine. And she wept remorsefully. Split seconds later, Richard came to the hospital and found Katherine crying.

"Kate! I am so sorry," he muttered in pain.

Katherine was still sobbing in pain, when Richard tried to console her, she resisted.

"Let me be!" She screamed as she scampered from the hospital.


As Katherine was in her apartment staring at Jack's picture, she heard the door bell rang. She opened and found Richard.

"What do you want?" she remarked.

"I want to talk Kate, can I come in?"He inquired.

"I am so sorry for what happened, I am…" he paused

"You know if I didn't attend that party, Jack wouldn't have ripped his stitches?" She said as she looked at Jack's picture in tears.

"Probably, but you can't change what happened, I know how you feel right now, the guilt and pain, let me help you babe, just trust me," he walked slowly to Katherine.

"You don't know how I feel, you are so selfish, only thinking about your love for me and now Jack is dead. Guess what? His memories are haunting me," she removed the ring from her middle finger,

"And this can't work." she gave Richard his ring.

"And don't you ever come near me, because i don't want to be your love anymore, so leave me alone and leave!" she screamed in tears.

"Kate! I am sorry." he took the ring and left.

Katherine sat on the floor and wept bitterly.


Katherine was lying on a sofa sandwiched between empty cans of Pringles and pop corn and the phone rang.

"Oh! Don't you get tired of calling Richard?" she said in disgust. She looked at the screen and she sat up.

"Hello! It's Katherine," she answered.

"Oh! Katherine (in distinct macho tone), your suspension is lifted. See you at work on Monday."

"Wait sir – Arrh! My head ache – Mr. Smith, I don't think I would be at my post anymore, I quit; so get another. I am so done with print work," she said in surety.

"You are serious Katherine? Okay, then good luck to you. But in case you are still interested, feel free to call," he said in a comforting way.

"Okay sir! I appreciate but no thanks." she responded.


Exactly two months after Jack's death, Katherine is seen packing up her things into her car, when she saw a car drive into her compound.

A male figure walked towards her.

"Hi Kate!" he said.

"Hi Dr. Andy, nice to see you," she said rather surprised.

"Richard told me what happened, he said you have refused to pick his calls and avoided him completely," he inquired.

Katherine rolled her eyes and closed the trunk of her car.

"You are leaving town?" he asked.

"Yes to Denver! I long to be free from everything, Maybe his love was too sudden, maybe we were never meant to be…"she was to continue.

"Or maybe you feel you don't deserve to be loved." retorted Dr. Andy.

"In any case Katherine – i want you to know that Richard deeply loves you and he is so wounded by your attitude; good luck in your search for freedom," he walked to his car and drove off. Katherine stood rooted to the spot and sobbed.


Later that evening Richard was in his nightie calling Katherine. At last attempt her number was switched-off; he threw his phone on the table in rage and walked off to check his letter-box. There he found an invitation letter, in it he read about Valerie getting married in two weeks time and his spirit broke.

He fell on the longest sofa and winced in pain.