Chapter 6

Taking a shower I put on a shirt and jeans before caressing Kinomi's hair and walking out of the room, making sure I was holding the emergency teleport button I pulled out my phone and sent a message to Ha-jin just so he would be aware I was leaving the house, not even a minute latter he sent me an answer telling me he would meet me at the gates in ten minutes.

Taking the time to look over his contract on the phone I was pretty satisfied with the terms, I couldn't order him to kill himself or sent him in a suicide mission but he couldn't divulge any information on me to anyone and, if I did order him to do something he wasn't willing to he would have to tell me and explain why.

Contract's deals were always short and to the point without much variation or legal terms almost as if his power couldn't support too many pages without losing effect but since they were supernaturally enforced and focused on the spirit of the thig so there was no need for punishments and a lot of other parts.

Before long a black car parked right in front of me, Ha-jin had already started getting out of the driver seat to open the door for me but I just put my phone back in my pocket and entered the car by myself "Good night young master" he greeted me.

"It gets better by the second" I told him the address of the underground bar and then considered how I wanted to do things, I guess information first it wouldn't do to get the wrong guy "I'm not really sure if my father knows Ha-jin-san but I'm a super"

"I see" He turned his sharp eyes briefly my way but soon turned back to the road "And this relates to our little outing…?

"Oh don't worry I'm not a hero or, worse, a villain" I waved his concerns away before pulling out a photo of the dead teacher and starting to concentrate on it "But recently a maggot started affecting a friend of mine and I take special pleasure dealing with those things myself"

"I can relate" he deadpanned "But I do have to point out you have a lot of employees just waiting for your orders"

"There shouldn't be any supers there and normal humans aren't really a treat to me unless they have military grade weapons" I confessed while my form started flowing, to his credit Ha-jin just lifted an eyebrow while my flesh flowed like water and my bones cracked as they broke and reformed at different sizes until I looked almost exactly like teacher.

Checking my face in the mirror I looked back at the photo and made some last minutes arrangements until I was a perfect replica of the man, the entire process had been terribly painful the first time I did it but I had long since learned to deaden my nerves all over my body before starting so I couldn't feel anything "Ah… hello…. Yo… Long time" I started modifying my voice until, 20 seconds later, I had it nearly perfectly. A hearing supper may be able to find me out but, again, there shouldn't be any supers there.

"Very impressive, can you heal wounds?" I nodded and Ha-jin just hummed "that makes my job much easier, who exactly are we meeting?"

"Obata is a foreign drug dealer and pimp, he had been laying low since the heroic disappearances started but greed probably made him poke his head out" I said with my newfound voice, I didn't like looking like an old man but my body was more or less the same inside.

Speaking of body I started enhancing my senses as much as I could increasing my hearing almost four times, making my nose nearly as good as a dogs and widening the range of visible light on my eyes at the same time as I improved their sights two times, the world itself seemed to open up as everything got more vivid, only my taste stayed the same while I diminished the pain I felt until it would be just enough to know I was hit but not stop me.

"Am I the only one with you tonight?" He continued to assess the situation.

"No, I have a demihuman stealth specialist shadowing the man and another two minor bruisers supers only five minutes away" Obata wasn't supposed to be a threat to me but better safe than sorry.

"Good, take this" he handed me a nail sized piece of equipment.

"What 's this?" I lifted the pearl shaped little thing to my eyes and squinted at it until I could barely see a small blinking light inside.

"A localizer, if you're going to be changing shape I have to know who you are"

Good Idea, grabbing the localizer I also pulled out the blink button and pressed both against my chest moving my flesh away so they were both housed deep inside my rib cage, protected against impacts and easy for me to press in case I was having problems with a simple effort of will.

A few moments later Ha-jin parked our car in an alley close to our destination and I sent a message towards my contact, it didn't even take a minute before a light body fell on top of the car before jumping aside without causing any damage and walking towards the back door.

"Did you have to make such racket Onsen-san" I asked while releasing a tired breath.

The short bat clan Kunoichi had her thin wings curled around herself like a cape, her long ears twitching like a cat's and her long thin tail swung from side to side with slow ease, using one of her long fingered hands with pitch black claws she opened the car's door and squeezed inside "There was no one looking lord Sadaharu"

I didn't dispute the title having grown tired of doing so nearly a year ago, I didn't really know Onsen's full life story but from what I had been able to dig out she had been a member of a Bat clan exclusive ninja organization before their patriarch was hired to assassinate a powerful villain and failed, in revenge the villain attacked their clan and killed everyone but Onsen and her young daughter, the young mother had spent three years hunting down everyone responsible before I found her acting as a vigilante on the city.

Since then she had decided to follow me as her 'Lord' and do my bidding while training her own daughter in the art "Tsubame isn't with you then?"

"She's not ready for a real mission my lord" Onsen shook her head

"Not much of a mission, the guy shouldn't be a danger to anyone prepared"

"True my lord" she laid back and adjusted her wings around herself allowing me to catch a glimpse of her naked belly "As far as I have seen the target opened the bar yesterday with another two bodyguards, there was an initial rush of clients but now it has calmed down, there's four prostitutes working for him and quite a few with other pimps but only one of them is in the bar, an underage girl paying off her boyfriend's debts for the next three days, she should be in the back room and filled with drugs"

"Haaaa…. How young?" I asked while pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Around your age my lord" she told me and then wrapped her wings around me and put her mouth against my ear "Should I have saved her? I know you have a soft spot for young girls"

"More like I have a hard spot for pedophiles"

"Liar" she mocked me but sat back down when I tried to grab one of her long fingers dexterous enough to dodge even my enhanced reflexes when I was not giving my best.

Probably when I was too, now that I think about it.

"And the other girls?" I asked with a sight… she was right I was a bleeding hearth.

"All over 18 and quite cruel too from what I saw, some aren't even addicted" Good, less trouble for me to deal with.

I knew it was a little hypocritical of me to save some girls and leave others but that's just how I felt, I'd at least contact one of my charities to offer the girls help but it was up to them to take it, who knows maybe they were perfectly happy working as prostitutes.

Making sure I knew everything I could about Obata I stepped out of the car and started walking towards the bar, I could have just walked inside and killed the maggot but for some reason I wanted to pull at this tread until I had unraveled everything I could from it, find out his clients, his deals, if there were any other clients like that asshole teacher and where I could find them, I wanted to find it all out personally, to be the one to beat it out of the pile of shit.

Fuck I was just bored wasn't I?

How long was it since I last had to apply any effort to things? School was easy with my memories, social life was filled with yes-man and servants and I had enough money to do anything I wanted without even having to ask father.

Was I a serial killer then? One whose victims were assholes? Was I turning into Dexter?

Shaking my head I descended a small set of stairs and pushed the door open, the bar was almost empty with a large, hairless man sitting at one corner watching a small tv, two bikers playing some snooker and drinking beer and Obata wiping some glasses behind the bar.

Obata was a large man standing about 1.95m with a generous beer belly and light brown skin, he turned my way and his eyes widened in recognition before giving me an evil smile "Long time no see Kuroki-san"

"Obata-san how are you?" I greeted and sat down on one of the stools right in front of him.

"Good, good, had a little trouble early this month but everything is fine now" he put the cup he had been wiping in front of me and pulled out a bottle of whiskey "And you?"

"Ah I'm having a little trouble with one of my students suddenly becoming rebellious" I said in my most annoyed and arrogant voice "stupid bitch"

"That's why I always tell you it's best to break then as soon as you can" Obata told me before pointing towards his back rooms "My bitches know who they have to obey if they want to get the good stuff"

"You know I don't usually like to use that, it makes things too easy" I almost threw up in my mouth and had to take a sip of the whiskey before the maggot saw my grimace "though this time I'm just about to make an exception"

"Good I know just what you need" pulling a tidy little bag with white powder from under the table he slid it towards me "I't from a new supplier, faster and about half again as effective"


"Yes but nothing you can't pay" he told me confidently and I grimaced.

"Yeah I'm a little short on money right now" I confess with a sight and push the drug back towards him very reluctantly "My house just burned down and I'm having to replace pretty much everything"

Obata covered the drug with one large hand leaned over the table to watch me closer "Fuck man that harsh, how did it happen?"

"The hell if I know, I had been having problems with the wiring for a while now and there were those thunderstorms a few days ago, hell it could have even been that bitch trying to get rid of me"

"You know what" the fat man said while slowly pushing the bag back to me "Maybe we can work something out"

"Really? Out of the goodness of your heart I'm sure" I asked with as much sarcasm as I could manage "I'm not a young idiot Obata I won't be getting into debt to you"

"No need to become indebted to me" he shook his head.

"Then what?"

"A few days ago one of my clients decided to have little Saki over there pay for his debts and it worked wonders" he told me with a lower voice "the old fuckers just loved her tight young pussy so, if you could get me some more bitches we could solve both of our problems, you were always good at getting the young ones anyway"

"True" I agreed while pretending to think about it "but what about the trouble brewing in the city? I'm a normal man I don't want to get caught up in things when some hot shot super comes to deal with the disappearances"

I refused to take the drugs once again and even pushed my body back away from the guy wanting to see just how much he wanted to open a new market. Fuck just calling forcing underage girls to as prostitutes as a market made my mouth taste like ashes,

Obata seemed reluctant but I just drank my whiskey and looked around the bar noticing another two bikers that had joined the ones playing Snooker and an old man walking out of the back room, his shirt a mess and his hands working on putting his belt back in place, peeking inside I caught sight of a topless tenager inside, I forced myself to smirk at the sight.

"Alright" Obata finally gave in after he had served a drink to the old man who paid him a lot of money and sat down to recover his breath "word is that this is not the first time the guy responsible has done something like this, he's not gonna get caught and will be obviously gone in at most three months"

"So you're just betting no heavy weight is gonna show up so soon?"

"From my sources his group could deal with any lone A class super that shows up looking for trouble and even if he takes a few more females he won't be big enough for a concentrated effort or an S class"

I nodded, what he said kind of made sense, if the ones responsible were in the same weight as an A class super they could probably hold on for the next few months and then disappear, if they did it well enough nobody would be able to catch them.

Grabbing the little bag of drugs I quickly put it in my pocket and leaned back on the table "Alright tell me more about this deal"

And then I spent the next hour trying to find out if this utter asshole really knew what he was talking about while acting as an eager rapist