Chapter 17

I calmly watched as the small wasp crawled over my finger, one little leg at a time, it slowly moved to the very tip of my nail before its wings started to vibrate and it launched from my finger… and fell straight down on the wooden desk. Another failure, the 26th one since I started this experiment.

Looking at the wasp's fallen form, I watched as its legs flailed about for a few seconds and then it finally died, unable to keep breathing. At its side there were a collection of little insect corpses, and two still living ones.

Since I was able to create clones of myself, and even edit the memories they had access to, I had started experimenting with producing other creatures from my own body. Being able to deploy an army of insects carrying some of my poisons would be incredibly useful for fighting more than one opponent.

The only problem was that I couldn't exactly put a copy of my own brain inside such small creatures and, even if I could, it wouldn't exactly know how to control an insect's body without my power to do the heavy lifting.

I could make a copy of the brain of a normal insect, but that would give me no control over the produced minion, so I needed to experiment, to find a way of programming the desired actions into their little insectoid minds before releasing them.

Until now, I had managed to create a completely docile wasp, one incapable of flying and many others incapable of surviving, for several different reasons ranging from not knowing how to breathe to not being able to move their own limbs.

Thankfully, it seems like I was able to reabsorb things if they were made from my own biomass, usually, I had to actually consume things if I wanted to incorporate them to my own biomass, which would have sucked. I really didn't enjoy the thought of eating raw insects, even if I did create them in the first place and knew they were clean.

Still, I'd eventually get the hang of it. Hell, I already felt I was close, a few more failures and I'd manage to get the aggression part of the insect right, then I just had to find a way to guide that aggression… maybe a pheromone?

No, then I'd have to hit my targets with it and, if I could already do that, why not hit them directly with a poison or something? Hmmm, well, I could have a pheromone to STOP the insects from attacking someone, and then I'd just have to mark my allies before a fight… something to think about later.

A beep from the computer caused me to abort the formation of the next wasp and I turned towards the screen, then sighed. It wasn't like I hadn't prepared for something like this, but it was still annoying.

I was hoping that Zaizen Tatsujirou only protected his computer with an easy password, or perhaps digital and retina authentication. Unfortunately, his protections were better than that, and my little hacking program wasn't able to overcome his firewall.

Taking the pen drive out of the computer, I pocketed it and went to grab a cup of coffee. I was still wearing Tatsujirou's image, having called the man's company and warned them he wouldn't be going to work today thanks to the assassination attempt on his own son.

Now I just needed access to the man's systems to sell my ruse better, and maybe funnel some of his funds away to my own accounts, as well as whatever blackmail material he had, because I had no doubt he kept some.

Taking a sip of my coffee, I smiled at his surprisingly hot wife. She just avoided looking at me, so I went back to the man's office. With an effort of will, I used my power to move the communication device from my chest towards my head and started subvocalizing.

"It seems like I'm gonna be needing your help after all." I took another sip of the coffee and considered my next steps. "Did anything odd happen around the house at night? Anyone suspicious?"

"Morning to you too." Maine answered a few seconds later, then gave a huge yawn. "Nope, the chum didn't notice anything. So, what's the problem?"

"The hacking program wasn't enough to overcome Tatsujirou's security." I answered while comfortably sitting on the large chair. "I'm gonna need a netrunner assist, Is Kiwi still with you?"

"Her shift's over, but our main runner finished the job you got her working on, she's available right now." The large man answered. "So, how'd you want to do this? Cuz, if that program couldn't do it with direct access to the hardware, I don't think even little Sasha can hack it remotely."

For a second, I considered the short haired woman. "Then we're just gonna have to get her direct access. Hide her cyberware with some makeup and I'll pretend she's one of Tatsujirou's flings."

"On the house and with his wife there?" Maine asked a little skeptic. "You sure that won't raise any eyebrows?"

"Wouldn't be the first time he did it, not by a long shot." I answered and finished my coffee. "Have her wait in the apartment and I'll have a driver pick her up."

"Shit, what an asshole."

"Well, he was a pleasure to kill… even if I did it a little too fast." I couldn't help the smile appearing on my lips.

"Heh, can't wait for you to meet Rebecca, you'll either become best friends or she'll shoot you full of holes." Maine snorted and I heard him starting to type a message towards Sasha.

"Why not both? It's not like it would hurt me." I answered, thinking about the petite blonde. "Say, did she like the rifle I sent her? Took it off the super I killed a few days ago."

"Loved it, I think she had an orgasm the first time she shot the thing."

"That reminds me, pass by the club later, I got my hands on a lot of cyberware from some Maelstrom rejects."

"Now you're speaking!" Maine almost yelled, but remembered where he was keeping watch and calmed himself. "The entire crew should be in the city tomorrow so I'll pass by."

I pulled out Tatsujirou's phone and called for a driver to pick Sasha up and bring her over. It should give the woman enough time to get ready.

I spent the next forty minutes experimenting with creating my new minions, adjusting their instincts and finding ways to make them attack only the ones I wanted targeted.

"Hello dear, are you here for Reiji?" I hear Tatsujirou's wife opening the door.

"Ah, no I, I have business to discuss with Mister Zaizen." Came the uncertain answer from the young woman.

"I… see, please come in, he's in his office." A few minutes later, I heard knocking on my door. Having already reabsorbed my newest test subjects, I didn't mind when Hina opened the door. "Tatsujirou, a Sasha Yakovlena here to meet you."

"I see, send her in." I answered, copying the old bastard's voice.

Sasha was incredibly cute, short, raven black hair. She was a little over 20 years old with a mischievous face and wide, blue eyes. I didn't have to fake the appreciative glint in my eyes as I looked her over, even if I felt kinda bad for Zaizen's wife.

"Do you want me to prepare a cup of tea?"

"No need, leave us." I ordered and watched the woman leave with an almost relieved face, and a pitying look towards Sasha.

So, she wasn't that stupid, she knew about her husband's actions, but was too subjugated to try to do anything about it. Well, she was gonna have to change that soon when she inherited his companies.

Closing the door, Sasha immediately dropped her purse, took off her jacket and revealed her fit body, wearing only a form fitting legging and sports bra. "Hello boss, nice to finally meet you."

"Will you be able to hack it here, or do you need a cold bath for deep diving?"

"I can tell you in a minute." The woman approached the computer and pulled out a cable from inside her hand, connecting it to the device before sitting on the desk and crossing her legs, giving me a good view of her body.

I just lifted an eyebrow, she shrugged, gave me a mischievous smile and pulled out a headpiece from her purse and put it on, opening a blue screen in front of her shining eyes.

"Hmmm, it seems like I can get the information you want from here but…"

"But what?"

"Well, Zaizen's computer seems to have a direct connection to his company's servers, it would be a real pity if someone used it to hack them."

I thought about it, I only really needed access to Tatsujirou's personal computer because I needed it to receive the auction invitation, plus, the information there should be more than enough for me to know if I wanted to pass as Zaizen Tatsujirou until it was time without raising red flags.

I didn't need access to his company… But it was tempting. "Can you do it without getting caught?"

"From anywhere else, probably not, but this is Zaizen's personal computer." She smirked at me.

"Come on, don't be a pussy!" Maine called from the comms; I had forgotten the thing was still on.

The house didn't really have enough ice to fill a bathtub, but it was winter and the water was already cold as hell, so I lowered the heating on the bathroom as low as it would go and gathered as much ice as I could get before filling a bathtub with it. The temperature was probably cold enough to give her a few minutes if she made a mistake.

In one fluid motion, Sasha pulled off her top, revealing her perky C cup breasts, her pink nipples hard from the cold as her breath started to foggy up. Kicking off her sneakers, she took off her leggings revealing a pair of white panties with a kitty logo and her shapely legs.

There were lines on her legs and torso, indicating where chrome connected with flesh, but her body looked perfect if a little pale. Lifting a hand, I helped her step into the bath water and felt her entire body shiver, then she slowly lowered herself.

I saw goosebumps rise on her arms and chest, where her body was still flesh and blood, and noticed her nipples becoming diamond hard before they submerged fully under the water, leaving only her head above it.

Sasha released my hand and I grabbed the net cable stretching from the computer to the bathroom, then connected it to the back of her head and watched as her blue eyes shone with inner light.

Sitting by her side, I laid a finger against her skin and increased its sensitivity to temperature, keeping a watch to prevent her from heating up.

Netrunning in this world wasn't as dangerous as in Cyberpunk, there weren't as many AIs on the net, or as much information but, unless you had a VERY powerful technological super on your pocket, your equipment also wasn't as good, so overheating was still a risk.

I sponsored Maine's crew, and hired them from time to time, but they still didn't have the kind of money needed to fully equip themselves as a first rate mercenary group could. It didn't help that none of them had a superpower, relying fully on their cyberware, of which there wasn't a lot available.

Only ten minutes later, Reiji's clone walked into the room, barely lifting an eyebrow at the woman, he turned to me. "I think I'll need a touch up soon if you want to keep Reiji's brain alive."

"What's the problem?"

"I can't exactly sense his thoughts, but I can more or less sense what he's feeling, and it's getting harder and harder to ignore it." I looked at him with some surprise, so he quickly shook his head and amended. "Don't worry, it's not like I'll be obeying him or anything, but I'll probably kill him even when I know you'd prefer that he continue suffering, it's getting harder to care about what you would want."

"I see, come here then." I extended my free hand and the clone grabbed it.

I quickly reconnected with him, reabsorbing his biomass as part of myself before making some small improvements, using what I had learned from messing with insect brains to incorporate some instincts on his creation.

Releasing his hand, I watched the clone step back, then shake his head and refocus. "There, that should fix it. Still, I won't really lose anything if you kill him. It's not like I need the little asshole to live, I just like that he's suffering a lot."

"Well, I guess we'll see in a day or so." The clone nodded and turned around, walking towards the kitchen. "I think I'll have a coffee myself. It's nice to want things again."

From my fingertip, I noticed Sasha's skin starting to heat up so I turned around and concentrated fully on the young woman, keeping a close watch to pull her out of the dive if she started heating up too much.

Her cyberware was hot enough that it started melting the ice-cubes on the bath, but it didn't reach a dangerous level, so I continued to monitor the situation for another five minutes before her temperature started falling again, then her eyes snapped open and she jerked forwards, throwing water all over the floor.

With trembling fingers, she grabbed the net cable and pulled it off before hugging herself from the cold.

Immediately, I increased the heating system until it was a comfortable temperature for most humans, then pulled her out of the bath. Droplets of water ran through her shaking skin, and I saw them accumulating on her breasts. Her panties had become see through, revealing a straight patch of brown hair above her mound.

"I go-got it, da-damn Zaizen was wo-worse than I thought." She smiled and grabbed my shoulders, her teeth chattering.

Grabbing a towel, I helped dry her body, rubbing her exposed skin to heat it up faster, a minute later, she managed to get herself under control, glancing down as she considered things.

"Ah fuck it." Taking off her panties, she threw them down on the floor and grabbed a second towel, finishing drying her body. "Thanks for the help."

Finished up, she started dressing herself up but, since she didn't seem bothered, I took the chance to enjoy the show. "So, what did you find out?"

"A lot of dirt, that's for certain." She combed a strand of hair away from her face, her hair starting to curl up on the edges. For a second, Sasha closed her eyes and squeezed her hands into fists. "I think the worst was the discovery of a new drug they were making. His company was supposed to have gotten rid of it after finding out, but Zaizen saw potential in its use, so he allowed some of it to get stolen and used in a female private school for testing."

"Hmmm, can't say I'm surprised. What exactly are the side-effects? And what's the situation of the testing?"

"The drug leaves the use in a situation akin to hypnosis, extremely receptive to suggestions and with a vastly increased libido." Sasha shivered again, her fingers digging into her arm. "It seems like the testing is almost done and Zaizen was talking about supplying it to the black market through a 'Misogy'."

"I'm familiar with the name. So it seems like the auction wasn't his only interest in the city." I tapped a finger against the table. "What about the school?"

"He was a few days from ordering the experiment's termination, but there was no indication of the girls's fate, perhaps he'd sell them off, or just eliminate them to get rid of any proof." Jumping down from the desk, Sasha stretched her back, lifting her arms far above her head and pushing her chest forward. "I have to say, I'm glad you killed him, this way I don't have to do it myself."

I lifted an eyebrow at her, it seems like Rebecca wasn't the only bloodthirsty one in Maine's crew after all. "It was really my pleasure. Get your makeup fixed and we can leave together, I have to go home today."

"Does that mean I get to see your true face? Because, no offense, but the old man look isn't doing it for me." She teased while grabbing her purse and starting to hide the cyberware with makeup.

"You get to see the face I was born with, don't really know if I can call that my true face, not anymore." I warned, then left the room to warn Hina her husband was gonna leave the house for a few hours.

An hour later, I stepped out of the car with Sasha by my side, leaving another clone masquerading as Tatsujirou behind. The young woman gave me an appreciative look, then Maine's car parked in front of us and she got inside, waving me goodbye with a wink.

Maine stepped down just long enough to shake my head and make sure I paid him for the job before hitting the top of the car with his too large hands and stepping inside. "Well, see you tomorrow at the club, looking forward to browsing that cyberware you talked about."

"You won't be disappointed." I waved at them, then took the chance to run a little bit, midway through my run I made a second breakthrough on my abilities and managed to adapt some of the Super I killed yesterday.

I still couldn't shoot plasma from my hands like he did, but I managed to copy some of his power and use it to raise the temperature of my own body by several degrees. A few more days and I'd not only manage to copy his power fully, but also replicate what made his own body resistant to it.

I arrived home at the end of the evening, finding that father wasn't home right now, Kinomi received me with a deep kiss, before dragging me further inside the house. I was already feeling quite eager, so I dropped my shirt on the floor and quickly followed her towards my bedroom.

Just as I was about to push her inside, I felt Kinomi press my chest and stop me. "Saionji, I know there are some things you tend to hide, but both Onee-san and I talk, and we also talk with the new maids."

I looked down at Kinomi and considered if I should include her in my plans, it's not that I thought she'd be against them… Well, not anymore. I was pretty sure she would agree with most of what I did, but I didn't think she would want to know everything.

"Well, Kanako-san heard about what you did for Maika… and for her. She wanted to thank you." With a light push, Kinomi opened the door and pulled me inside.

Taking a few steps inside the room, I caught sight of what was on my bed, or more like, tied to my bed. Despite being a mother, Kanako looked incredible, her large breasts rose and fell as she breathed, and her legs twisted and struggled, but couldn't get out of their bind

The woman was naked, her hands were tied together above her head with a silk ribbon, keeping her arms lifted and making her breasts stand out even more. Her legs were resting in an M position, with her calf tied to her tights by a red silk rope.

Looking at her body, I immediately smelled her arousal. Kanako looked at me with eyes filled with heat and I saw the ball-gag in her mouth starting to leak, as she begged for my attention.

From behind me, I felt Kinomi starting to unbuckle my belt, looking at her eyes; I didn't see any hesitation in her movements. Still, I had to ask. "Are you sure you're alright with this?"

"Oh, yes." She finished pulling out my belt and I let her take off my pants, letting my cock harden. "We both want this, I want to watch you take her, to use her, no, I want to do it with you."

Well now, this was unexpected, but most definitely not unwelcome.

Getting on her knees, Kinomi drew out my cock and grabbed it at the base, her hands started pumping it until it was half erect, then she kissed it along the side, trailing her tongue all the way from the base and back to the tip.

Taking a breath, she opened her mouth and swallowed me, her tongue flickering me for a second as she sucked on the tip before slowly drawing me inside her inch by inch, her eyes never leaving Kanako's own entranced face.

Finally, my maid pulled back, releasing my cock with a 'pop' and gasping for breath, wiping the saliva off her chin. She admired the full length of my hard on for a second, then I pulled her to her feet and decided to take charge of the situation.

"Fine, if you want me to use her, make her ready for me." I ordered, before stepping away from my clothes smiling at Kanako, the older woman's eyes were wide, but the mattress below her pussy was starting to get soaked.

I watched with interest as Kinomi took off her own shirt, then got on all fours on top of the bed and slowly crawled towards Kanako. In truth, I had fucked Kinomi so often those last few days that it seems I truly awoke something inside her.

Our sex had been getting more and more depraved every day and now she was handing me another woman and wanted to watch… I knew there was a reason I loved her.

Putting both arms around Kanako's head, Kinomi kissed her in the forehead, then the cheek and then gave a light kiss to her ball gag at the same time as one of her hand's pinched Kanako's nipple drawing a gasp from the mature lady.

Trailing her mouth lower and lower, Kinomi kissed Kanako's neck, sucking hard and making sure to leave a hickey there to mark her possession, then really squeezed the woman's breast and bit down on her nipple, hard.

Kanako's back arched, her arms and legs straining against their bindings as the woman's muscles tensed for a second in a short orgasm that left her gasping over her gag, desperately trying to draw more air through her nose.

With a self satisfied smirk, Kinomi finally rested her hands on Kanako's tied up legs and lowered her head towards the woman's nether region, she sucked on Kanako's tights just above her entrance, alternating from side to side in order to tease her.

Finally, Kinomi gave her clit light nibble, then trailed her tongue all over Kanako's pussy, swallowing the copious amounts of fluid the older woman was releasing on her second orgasm.

Enjoying the view immensely, I climbed on the bed myself and lifted Kanako's chin with a finger, seeing the hungry look on her gaze even as she desperately tried to draw in more air.

Caressing her cheek with a thumb, I found the clasp of her ball gag and slowly undid it, then gently took it off her mouth, allowing the woman to gasp "Oh god I didn't… Ah!" Kanako panted as Kinomi penetrated her with a finger while flicking her clit with her tongue.

Having given her enough time, I forced her mouth open and forced the head of my cock inside. Kanako wasn't really prepared, and almost gagged; I pulled my member back and frowned. "Open your mouth."

She looked at my eyes, her entire body shaking from pleasure, then opened wide, even putting her tongue out for me. Guiding my cock back, I let her lick it for a few seconds before putting it inside again and starting to fuck her mouth.

My cock made her checks bulge as I went in and out of her mouth, then I got into a better position and truly started fucking her mouth, letting her get just enough air that she wasn't chocking before shoving my cock deep inside her.

Despite her situation, Kanako was a perfect cocksucker, accepting my member down her throat with barely any problem. When I pulled back, my cock slid out of her mouth until only the head remained inside, my shaft glistering with her saliva.

Grabbing her by the hair, I pushed even further, seeing her very throat bulging as the shape of my cock made its way down her mouth. I kept her head in place for a moment before slowly drawing myself out.

Slipping out of her mouth, I let myself explode, painting her face with my seed. Kanako closed her eyes and let herself go, orgasming for the third time, her entire body shaking as she completely lost control of herself.

With a pull of my hand, I undid the silk ribbon tying her arms above her head and let Kanako's arms fall down to her legs.

Lifting her head away from Kanako's pussy, Kinomi saw my come on the older woman's head and started cleaning it with her own tongue, then kissed Kanako deeply, their tongues tangling.

Pulling Kanako away from the wall, I noticed there was some rope still free so I turned her around and tied her arms at her back, her hands holding her own elbows in a way that made her large breasts stand out even more, then used the silk ribbon to gag her once again.

"I'm gonna fuck you now." I whispered in her ear, getting a small shiver from the woman as she squirmed under my hold. "I'm gonna use you until I'm satisfied and you're gonna like it."

Lowering myself, I started playing with her right breast, smiling when Kinomi herself took her left one in her mouth. Together, we ravished the woman for a minute or two.

Trailing my hand down her tight belly, I found her soaking pussy and pushed two fingers inside, keeping the palm of my hand firmly pressed in front of her clit, at her back, I felt Kinomi doing the same to the woman's ass.

Finally, I motioned for Kinomi to get behind the woman, then pulled her down, letting her head rest on Kinomi's lap. I positioned myself between Kanako's legs, pressing them back against her chest and started teasing her exposed pussy with my cock.

Tied up as she was, Kanako squirmed under Kimomi's hold, desperately trying to move her ass closer to my cock and begging me with her eyes.

Finally, I slipped the head of my cock inside her and heard the moan of pleasure she released, leaning forward, I pushed my dick inside her in a long stroke, feeling it hit against her cervix and cause her to spasm with both pain and pleasure.

On the other side, Kinomi grabbed Kanako's breasts and squeezed them so hard she left the imprint of her fingers on the woman's skin. Kanako released another moan, her disheveled hair falling around Kinomi's lap like a curtain.

Increasing my speed, I started hammering Kanako's pussy, smashing my cock inside her with increasing speed and hitting her cervix repeatedly and causing her to start screaming on her silken gag, the pleasure overcoming the pain.

Behind her, Kinomi took a hand of her breast and started fucking herself furiously, pushing three fingers inside her own pussy as fast as she could even while she squeezed the older woman's nipple with the other.

Under me, I felt the maid reaching one last, overwhelming orgasm and prepared myself, piercing her core and smashing my cock inside her to the hilt. Kanako screamed on her gag and exploded, her juices flying high against my chest as she actually squirted from pleasure.

Leaning over Kanako's body, I captured Kinomi's lips with my own and felt my lover reach her own orgasm. With a satisfied smile, I let myself go, releasing my seed directly inside her well used channel, and filling it so much it created a bulge on her otherwise perfectly straight belly.

Taking a moment to just enjoy the sensations, I broke away from the kiss and noticed that Kanako had actually passed out from the pleasure.

"Thanks for the gift." I whispered to Kinomi and saw her eyes refocus as she recovered from her own orgasm.

"No, thank you, I loved being part of this." She smiled at me, her chest heaving from the exercise. "Is it my turn now?"

Taking my cock out of Kanako's body, I showed Kinomi that it was already starting to harden again. "I thought you'd never ask."



Again, next chapter should come in two weeks, give or take a few days, will probably have some smut too.

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