Being Weak is a Sin

With this, that girl Maya or whatever her name was, will take the blame for Jessica's death, after all the family will still tend to believe me because I'm so weak and can't possibly kill her and they know it.

The middle-aged man's focus wasn't on the ring at this moment, it was mainly on the clothes that Mike took out from the ring.

He couldn't help but inquire again about this " young master, are you sure the owner of those clothes is the one who killed Jessica?"

Mike was a little confused by this question but he still held that guilty pathetic face and answered: " Yeah, I'm pretty sure those clothes belong to her since only that girl was there at that time and no one else was around ".

' I was really hoping of hearing another answer, seems like only our ancestor can solve this problem now, and even the ancestor might not be enough to do anything, but of course, that's if we really have a problem in the first place hahaha ' the middle-aged man chuckled inwardly.

But outside he still kept his angry face and said to Mike " I see, this seems like a problem that only our ancestor can solve, let's head home and inform him about this, don't worry young master, our ancestor is so strong and might even help you to get stronger and take revenge with your own hands".

' Well, since it doesn't seem like I can escape this middle-aged man called Robert, let's simply keep playing along, and I don't think they can find anything wrong about what I said, since it contained some truths, like Maya actually being there, and especially her clothes and the ring which proves that I indeed met her at least, but I for sure made mistakes, well I at least can get a reward for reporting this and get some help from the ancestor like Robert said, well I'll basically only need books to learn skills ' thought Mike to himself while heading to gazing moon village.

' Well it doesn't matter if I stay in this village for some more time since it's a free level up for now, but I really don't think that my lie will last for even a few days, since I for sure had many loop holes in my lie, like the blood I buried of Jessica's, maybe they can find it, or the blood of that guy Dick, and he is missing as well, so Robert will for sure grow suspicious, and mainly the aftermath of the fight in the river, they are mages and warriors and they for sure can track down some combat that happened here, so yeah a lot of loopholes. But let's hope I manage to fool them for at least a few days till I escape again.' Mike still thinking.

After walking for some time, Robert suddenly laughed out loud like he heard the funniest joke ever.

He kept walking while Turning his head towards Mike and said " I'm sorry but I can't keep acting like I believed your lie, if I didn't know any better, I would have really believed you, Damn kid, this old man is really impressed by your acting skills and especially the resolve you had to kill your sister, and of course, how did you even manage to kill her in the first place, but first I'm curious, where did you actually get those clothes".

Pausing for a moment, Robert continued, " at first I didn't believe you at all, since I already saw the blood far away from the place you described where the killing happened, but actually the clothes and the ring made me doubt it for a second, but I instantly rejected the idea, because there is no way this family will leave a witness alive simply for the sole reason cause you are weak or whatever, how naive, I would have actually believed you for sure if you did cut one of your arms and said what you said earlier with an arm missing, "

'Ah fuck, was this fucker actually pretending to believe me this whole time, he didn't even bother to stop me and kept watching my show, how scary, I actually believed that I fooled him, I'm really still not that experienced, especially since I was living in a peaceful world, ah my lack of experience will really kill me one day, today was a good lesson, I need to experience more things faster and start learning more about this world ', thought Mike, but outside, he had an awkward expression on his face.

Okay, it's useless to lie more, this man already knows that I killed Jessica and he still didn't kill me so let's see what happens next.

Thinking up to this point, Mike asked, trying to figure out his position from now on," Well, fine, I indeed killed Jessica, but seeing your reaction and how I'm still alive till now, proves to me that you have no intention of killing me, at least for now, so now what".

" Oh you actually didn't keep on lying and came clean about it, well I guess I did indeed reveal something that proves you killed your sister, well whatever anyway, since you came clean about it, I'll come clean as well so let us make a deal", said Robert, wearing a serious expression now.

Mike was a little unsure of how to react, but he knew the way to survive this is simply to follow Robert's rules, so he simply inquired " what kind of deal, how can I even be useful to you".

Robert wore a big smile on his face and said " Well I want something from the treasury of the family, and I don't have the authority to enter it, so here is your part, you are the sole heir for the souma family now, so for sure your father and your ancestor will try everything to get you stronger for the future, and for sure he will one day let you choose something from the treasury, and all you have to do at that point is steal the thing that I'll describe for you. It's easy right? ".

Robert paused for a moment and then continued" you don't have to worry much about this, I'll simply tell you, I'm a spy that was poached by the hex family a few years ago after our family declined, after all, our souma family escaped to the territory of the hex family and we were a tier 2 family before, even though the hex family is a tier 3 family that it's influence spans over several villages and towns, there is something that our family has that the hex family needs, and if they attack them directly, they might risk being called a demonic family and get attacked by the other righteous family clans, so don't over think it, and in case you ask, my part of the deal is to of course not kill you here and now hahaha".

'This Robert is for sure up to no good, he knows that I'm not dumb and yet he is still telling me all of this, well who cares anyway, let's ask something useful, all our cards are on the table already so fck it. It's really depressing but Being weak is really a sin it seems, "

" I'm curious, aren't you afraid that I will tell the ancestor? If I do that, he will for sure kill you, and I'll be able to stay alive and even get on his good side, what makes you confident that I won't simply do that?". Mike asked what he needed to know the most.

' I won't believe that the people here are so trusting, since power is all, much less believe this old fox, that he will simply make a deal with me, tell me that he is a spy, and simply let me be, to finish the deal.'

" Hahaha, you are an amusing kid, of course, I'll make sure you won't do that, if you accept my deal, you will have to let down the guard on your soul so I can imprint a slave contract with you, like that it will ensure me that you will never tell anyone and obediently finish your job, of course after you finish the job, I'll let you go and we forget about everything we spoke about here, and if you don't want a slavery contract, then you simply have to die," said Robert, failing to contain his laughter.

' Let me go my ass, the moment I finish the job you will for sure kill me, well I guess that I'll have to do what he says, it's not like I have a choice in the first place lol."

Mike opened his mouth, with deep killing intent hidden in them " Fine, let's do this deal, it's not like I have a choice anyway, ".

Robert felt joyous inside, ' I'll finally be able to finish this mission, at last, I didn't have any progress for all those years because the head of the family didn't let anyone near the vault, and the hex family on the other side, kept pushing me non stop to steal it and run away, but that's easier said than done, the vault was after all where the souma's ancestor was recuperating, which means it was under the ancestral hall, even if I manage to get past the elders and the head of the family, I'll have to kill the ancestor in a 1vs1, and that's simply impossible, but now I finally have this pawn to do the job for me hahaha '.