Mike's Determination

Thousands of kilometers away from where gazing moon village is located, a mountain that stood thousands of meters tall towered over the surrounding hundred of kilometers.

This mountain was known for how cold it is, given the fact that it's snowing all year round in there, and that's how it got its name " the white mountain".

Above the mountain, you can glimpse the shadows of two creatures, if you actually get closer and have a better look at them. You can see a man taking a nap above a sleeping dragon.

The dragon was dark red, he got scales covering all of his body with some spots like the belly or head covered in much thicker scales than usual.

The dragon's body spanned hundreds of meters, that even serene town will think night has fallen if this dragon flew above it.

A man can be seen putting both his hands behind his head and napping without a care in the world like he owns the place and nothing can threaten him whatsoever.

The man had long black hair, and black eyes and his face was so handsome that even some men might not help it but try out their luck with him.

He is wearing what seems like a red robe, the whole Robe was painted with what looked like dragon bodies and heads, and above the shoulders, stood what looked like dragon claws.

The wind was blowing and snow was falling like there is no tomorrow, but the man was still calmly taking his nap like the cold and wind didn't bother him at all.

However, the man suddenly opened his eyes, a look of interest and killing intent were displayed on them.

' Interesting, this is really interesting, how long has it been, a few centuries? Someone actually dares to challenge my hex family and destroy the slavery contract on one of my slaves.' the man muttered to himself, while slowly but surely standing up.

The man kept speculating about this sudden change.

' It seems like the feeling is coming from gazing moon village, did that old bag of bones do something to my spy there, after he recovered?'.

' Well, it doesn't matter anyway, let's see who will want to stop me if I want to kill someone in my territory '.

After finishing his words, the dragon seemed to feel what his master was thinking, so he suddenly opened his eyes, spread his wings that spanned over tens of meters long, and took flight heading towards gazing moon village.

Back in Jade forest near gazing moon village, stood a man cleaning up his daggers out of blood, while another was cleaning up the area out of blood, those two were, of course, Mike and Robert.

Robert was fascinated by how his master can store bodies in his ring, but he never questioned or cared much about it, after all, there indeed do exist rings and special tools that can carry dead bodies.

' This leveling-up strategy is so fast, I should probably use Robert to kill more in secret, but let's first check my panel and put my free points in place' Mike thought, a little smile can be seen forming on his face thanks to the fact that he again got stronger.

' System shows me my panel', with a thought, a blue transparent screen appeared in front of Mike.


[Name]: Mike 

[Age]: 22 

[Race ]: Human

[Level]: 12 / 25 ( 550/ 960 XP )

[Lifespan]: 68 years 

[Strength]:  30 > 31

[Stamina]:  17 > 18

[Speed]: 19 > 20

[Intelligence]: 25 > 26

[ MP]: 11 > 12

[Abilities]: 1

Skill: invisibility ( description).

[ Free points]: 2

'Holy, I'm even close to the next level, this was really a great harvest and especially since I spent some time practicing head-on fights'.

'Okay since there is no immediate need for strength points anymore, let's start increasing other stats, but I'll still only focus on what I need for now '.

'MP, intelligence, and Stamina are not that important right now, since I'm trying to make every fight last for a few seconds no more, making use of invisibility is the best I can do, for now, so let's put one in speed and the other in strength, I'll focus on those two for now '.

" Okay let's go to serene town. By the way, Robert, to whom do those clothes belong, you seemed to know their origin and you even looked a little afraid ", Mike casually asked while leisurely walking in the forest towards serene town.

Robert hearing his master's question, answered without any delay" Of course I'll be afraid master, those clothes after all belong to the hex family, and that's why I started doubting my judgment when you showed me those clothes at first, but I rapidly remembered how cruel those people are so I didn't believe anything you said".

" Tell me more about this family Robert" Mike replied with a look of interest showing on his average-looking face.

" Yes master, this family like I said its influence spans over many villages and towns, they have three branches located in their most prosperous plus Strongest towns, Thomas the head of the family is a tier 3 fire mage and that's obvious since their family is famous cause of their fire Cultivation techniques. "

Robert paused for a moment and then continued," the higher-ups are so ambitious and want to expand their territories and influence even more, and it's rumored that one of their many ancestors is nearing tier 4, they might be waiting for his breakthrough before they start expanding ".

Mike chuckled a little and said, "Robert this world is really interesting with countess powerhouses, this even gets me more motivated to get stronger and stand above all, I would really wish to meet those people that lived for hundreds of years or even thousands of years, that might be super cool to know how they think and act like ".

' I never regretted stealing or killing that man who tried to play the hero in my past life, after all, I did that because I need to live, and stealing was necessary, in this world I shall as well follow the same path to get stronger. While not regretting anything and reaching a point where I can never die again, dying once was enough, but to achieve that I need power and even much more power ' Mike thought to himself.

'The highest point for a lifeform is to reach immortality, their greatest desire is immortality. What is the point of wealth, it is merely a mortal addiction. What men and women, it is just animal instincts. What reputation, it is just bullshit people spew about you, so they can push you to the highest point or kick you down below '.

'Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these never considered the bigger picture. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this fantasy world, where Cultivation and more Lifespan are possible, why would we not pursue immortality if it's possible ?'.

' For the sake of power and if possible immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also throw them as easily! for power and immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for power and immortality, I will never slack even for a moment! for power and immortality, gods and demons cannot stop me, even this cage that stopped the Demon God of destruction cannot stop me '.

As he affirmed his belief, Mike's black eerie eyes seemed to burn with determination.

Looking at the setting sun, Mike lightly laughed. "The sun sets above the green forest, the autumn moon with the wind of winter, The morning is fine like skin and night is like snow, whether you succeed or fail when you look back you won't find anything left, cause all regret was washed away ".

" Master I didn't know you are such a talented Scholar, your poem can easily rank on top of our kingdom" Robert praised sincerely, seemingly being touched by the poem his master recited.

Mike gave a casual answer while turning his head to Robert " I did indeed learn some poems at some point, well, sometimes it's nice to remember few things".

Mike suddenly stopped in his tracks.

" Yo Robert, why am I seeing a gigantic cloud closing in on us at a rapid speed," Mike asked, a little puzzled by what he is seeing.

Hearing his master's words Robert turned to look over, but upon seeing what his master was referring to as a gigantic cloud, he couldn't help but have a bitter smile appear on his face.

After all, he is a tier 1 mage closing in on tier 2, so by just using a little mana to enhance his sight, he can clearly see what's going on from far away.

Robert quickly informed Mike of the identity of that cloud " Master, that's actually a Red Dragon, specifically, that's the Mount of Thomas, the head of the hex family and the one who enslaved me ".

Hearing Robert's explanation" Mike's heart skipped a beat, and he even felt a chill running down his whole body ".

' Even a kid who knows what happened will know that this Thomas is coming for my head for ruining his plan, but why the heck is he so fast, I thought they won't come to investigate for a few more days at least, and why is he even coming in person, I'm not even tier 1 this is really the definition of bad luck ' Mike cried and yelled inside, but outside he still wore the same calm expression as ever.

' Immortality and power my ass, I think I'll be dying before I even get a little taste of power, much less immorality' Mike again lamented over his bad luck since the day he came to this world.