Gazing Moon Village Destruction?

Thomas who saw the young woman that just showed up, couldn't help but shiver in fear, after all except for the fact that she's a bona-fide tier 4 and can easily kill him.

The main problem here is that this woman is famous in this kingdom for how cruel and savage she is, her only thoughts are basically to kill and rob people which is why Thomas couldn't help but shiver.

You may wonder how is she still alive while being wild and known for her cruelty, but that's mainly because she never fights or show up if the enemy is stronger, and she simply goes hide for years after a massacre or a big robbery, so she never got caught because of how cautious she is.

You might as well ask and say why the fck those tier 4 people are in a remote village, but that's honestly not a big deal at all given the fact that tier 4 isn't rare at all in the capital of kingdoms and especially the entirety of whole empires.

And another fact which is a big one, that's cause even in tier 4, there is still a big difference in strength depending on what technique you cultivated to reach that tier and what spells and tricks you have up the sleeve that can save you in dire situations or simply surprise your enemy with a deadly attack.

So it's honestly not surprising at all that those tier 4 people are here since basically one is looking for a remote place to cultivate and the other is going around and looking for chaos and that's because both of them belong to the category of weaklings in tier 4.

So they can't go and roam around big towns or cities or else they would have died long ago, and that's mainly because they are both demonic cultivators and have no organization backing them up from behind so the moment they try to take action and get any resources they will cease to exist from this world.

Mike who was spectating all of this from the woods coupled with Robert, couldn't help but clench his fists tightly and even his body started to slightly tremble, but it was mainly cause of excitement and not fear.

Mike suddenly asked Robert something that puzzled him " Robert, what is this dragon egg that Thomas is willing to come in person to get, and which tier are those people who just showed up, that even Thomas had to act respectfully ".

Robert who was praying that no one will care to scan the forest next to the village got snapped out of his daze the moment he heard his master's question.

So he slowly tried to explain while not helping but keep an eye on the 3 people hovering in mid-air, "well the object that I was gonna order you to get from the treasury is that dragon egg, it's a rare black dragon egg at that, which are hardly found even in kingdoms capitals, so Thomas when he felt that my contract broke, he dropped all that righteous act and came in person to get it by force, risking being discovered by the kingdom ".

Pausing for a moment he continued" about those people who just showed up, from the fact that they are flying they are for sure tier 4, but I do know that woman since she's a famous demonic mage cultivator, about the old man, you can only figure out his class if he starts fighting ".

Mike listened to all of this without missing a single word, after Robert finished speaking, he couldn't help but be even more excited about this event, after all, he just came to this world two days ago and he already gets to watch a fight between tier 4, that's if they fight of course.

However, he was still confused about something and inquired again, " if it's such a rare black dragon, then why didn't the other families take action already".

Robert couldn't help but laugh hearing his master's question, " Master, do you really think other families will dare massacre or rob a family just like that? Don't forget that the kingdom is controlling everything and the families are only second in power, so before they dare to do such things openly, they will have to accept the fact that they might get obliterated on the next day, and that's why Thomas poached and enslaved me and not just go robbing them like he is doing right now ".

' Ohh, so even those almighty strong tier 3, tier 4, or even more, will still have to obey the king's rules, well no need for me to imagine their power right now, and let's focus on what is in front of us for the moment, Mike thought.

The sky has already darkened and night fell, but you can't see any movements or sounds in the entirety of gazing moon village, since everyone is waiting for what's gonna happen next.

After all, if those people choose to fight here, even the slightest spell from any of them can destroy half of their village, so everyone is praying that they don't fight around here if they actually gonna do it.

The silence lasted for a few minutes till finally, the old man broke it " Young girl, I know why you came here, but let me first finish my business with that kid riding the dragon over there".

The woman seemed to smell the scent of money so she curiously asked while licking her lips " What business can you even have with a tier 3 weakling riding on a tier 3 dragon, old man ".

"Well that kid over there disturbed my Cultivation and I almost got injured cause of his loud voice, so I'm here asking for compensation for what he did to me" the old man casually said while his eyes are still locked on Thomas.

" I know that you are here to fight me, but let me first get what this kid owes me before we start fighting as I mentioned before, so simply be a good girl and wait there " the old man added, not even worried about Lilia's existence and only caring about his magic stones.

The woman's eyes seemed to be burning with ruthlessness for a moment and she suddenly changed the tone of her voice from seductive to cold.

" Okay okay, I don't care about your compensation, but let's first clean up the field before we start fighting, after all, I didn't come here to simply chat with a tier 3 ant and an old man who is barely holding into his life, let's start the show, shall we? I really got bored after all " The woman called Lilia suddenly announced, in the same time she pointed her palm into the dark sky while channeling her mana into her hand.

The night sky suddenly seemed to illuminate, like the sun was never gone and it was still morning in the surrounding thousands of meters, even some of the trees inside jade forest started burning just cause of the heat alone.

While the environment in the village turned into a volcano-like state, and some people couldn't help but get naked, afraid that their clothes might burn and implicate them as well.

Lilia created a gigantic fireball that started to expand without stopping, however after reaching hundreds of meters in width, it suddenly stopped expanding and kept hovering above Lilia's hand.

Jack who saw this down below totally collapsed to the ground from his kneeling position.

' This woman is simply crazy, she didn't even start fighting with that old man yet and she still used a meteor spell and expanded a significant amount of her mana just to clean up the field from some villagers which were simply watching, can't you fucking take your fight outside of this village, why kill all of us for no reason ' Jack mind was spinning inwardly, but he didn't dare to say anything to the woman and simply accepted his fate.

Thomas seeing this, almost died from fear, after all, he is the head of the hex family so he doesn't wanna die without seeing his family rise in ranks and expand its influence to the surrounding kingdoms.

So seeing Lilia focused on maintaining her meteor spell, he simply got ready to run away, since he will die anyway if he takes this spell head-on, and it's not like she will let him escape the range of the meteor.

Near gazing moon village, in Jade forest.

Mike who saw the gigantic fireball above Lilia couldn't help but start feeling real fear, after all, he is still a weakling and just the aftermath of that spell will for sure kill him for good.

So Mike hurriedly ordered, " Yo Robert, quickly do something and let us put a good distance from the village, that woman doesn't seem to be joking around and will really destroy this whole place".

Robert already started channeling his mana without even needing Mike's reminder after seeing Lilia's spell, so he quickly grabbed Mike's hand and with a swoosh they both vanished, appearing hundreds of meters away from their last spot.

It's not like he can use this spell in fights or something, but this teleportation spell requires a large amount of mana depending on how far you wanna teleport, and it needs some time to channel, so it's mainly an escape spell that almost every mage in the world knows about.

Seeing the gigantic fireball getting so small in size, Mike heaved a sigh of relief and started thinking about his next actions, will he simply go to serene town now or wait till the fight is over and try to loot some leftovers if any are even left.