A Small Conversation

Mike who was watching the exchanges between the mage and the warrior, couldn't help but turn his head towards Robert and ask.

"Robert, is the treasury of our family can withstand that attack or Nah? Cause I really wanna go and loot that dragon's egg since they are busy fighting anyway and won't notice us".

Robert who heard his master's words next to him couldn't help but chuckle a little, " Master, the treasury is indeed kind of safe since its basically located a few meters underground, and even if it got damaged it won't totally get destroyed cause of the formations protecting it".

Pausing for a moment he looked into Mike's eyes and continued, " although the treasury is indeed kind of safe, don't forget the two people who are fighting above it, the moment you step into that village which is now just a crater, they will immediately notice and kill you on the spot no matter how weak you are, so let's not do that and start heading towards serene town master please ".

Mike was simply trying to hear some kind of solution to how can he get the egg, cause he, of course, knew that he can't go in there while they are both still fighting, but well, he got a little disappointed hearing Robert's answer.

' It's really a pity not being able to get that rare black dragon egg, but well I can't expect to get everything, I at least got a tier 1 late-stage slave to smooth things up for me, but I can still wait here in case the fight ends and they both go away, and then I can obtain what I want there ' Mike thought, but a little hope was still in his heart.

Above the big crater that was formed in place of gazing moon village.

After that brief exchange between the two was over, Lilia started to get bored and angry, so she immediately started getting serious and instead of playing around, she started fighting for real.

Subsequently, the old man stopped holding back, and with a roar, he instantly split into two, and a Peerless slash got executed by him and his doppelganger.

The Peerless slash executed by the old man contained hundreds of slashes formed by mana, but Lilia didn't have any change in her expression and directly reacted to his attack.

Over a hundred collisions took place in the blink of an eye, the resulting explosions and shockwaves making it feel as if over a dozen tier 3 mages were bombarding each other with spells in mid-air.

At this moment, no one under tier 4 can keep up with the flurry of exchanges in mid-air and comprehend what's going on, since they will only be seeing sparks of light frequently cause of how weak they are.

After several hundred explosions erupted in mid-air, the sky had already transformed into a world of light again, being illuminated by the different spells and skills taking place.

Suddenly, both the mage and the warrior stopped fighting while both shock and fear can be seen engraved all over their faces.

"You are not so bad for a tier 4 warrior nearing his limit to notice that, well let's work together for only this time, and then we will call it here and everyone goes home". Lilia coldly said but a hint of fear could be detected in her voice.

" Hoh hoh, this old man already got what he wanted, but I'll work with you for now young girl since we need to survive this so I can actually get to enjoy my harvest", the old man accepted, while suddenly turning his head to his left.

With that said, Lilia vanished and immediately reappeared next to the old man, while constantly channeling her mana, ready for a fight to break out at any moment.

" Friend, are you still planning on keep watching or what, why don't you come out and let's have a nice chat" the old man spoke, while still locking on the empty air left of his side.

Immediately afterward, the world itself started to crack, and a spatial tear that measured dozens of Meters in length formed in the space where the old man and woman were looking.

Noticing the fact that the space itself cracked and a young man was coming out of it, both the old man and Lilia directly kneeled in mid-air, not daring to even take a glimpse at who came out of the spatial tear.

'Fight my ass, we will really be the most luckiest people if we survive this crisis, ' those were the mage and warrior's thoughts.


Robert who witnessed the whole scene occurring in front of his eyes, had his mouth hanging, not wanting to believe what he is witnessing right now.

But he still knelt on the ground without wasting any more time and immediately urged his master " Please master, immediately kneel and don't ever look at whoever coming out of that tear, or else we can say goodbye to the world of the living and welcome the world of the dead".

Mike wasn't stupid and didn't even answer what Robert said while directly kneeling and not daring to take another glance in that direction anymore.

Mike did read countless novels and watched tons of movies/series, if he still didn't know what it means if someone cracks the space of the world itself, then he should probably bury himself alive and die for good.

' Holy fckkk, why is my luck so fucking bad from the moment I stepped into this world. Having this shitty body and family, and almost being enslaved, while now I'm witnessing tier 3 dying like an ant, and two tiers 4 kneeling in mid-air shivering in fear, and now this happens '

' Well, the good thing is that after some bad luck, good luck will always come knocking on my door, and I did indeed get Robert, which means my luck is changing for the best '.


A young man walked out of the spatial tear like he was just having a walk in the park and not traveling in the void.

The moment he came out, all the mana in the surroundings tens of kilometers seemed to be turbulent and unstable, all of it started to circle the young man like they just found their lost master or something.

"I really got rusty after not fighting for hundreds of years, that even these two little tier 4's noticed the mana fluctuations in the space, well anyway ".

"Your empire is really not bad friend, even the mana in this remote place can rival some of my town's mana, do you wanna have a fight for this area maybe ?".

The young man seemed to be conversing alone, but the two kneeling in front of him didn't even dare to take a single glance at him, much less think that the guy was crazy.

At this moment, two more cracks formed in the air from two different directions that have almost the same characteristics as the first one, the three spatial tears made a triangle engulfing the two people kneeling, but it was just a very unfortunate coincidence for those two.

" Let's not do that now, our fight might destroy one of our empires, so let's fight in the continent next door since it's better to mess up their home instead of ours hahaha".

" Sure sure, that woman over there got so arrogant thinking that she reached our same level, giving her a lesson while fighting for this area is a good idea".

" Just don't forget that you will have to bet something of the same value as this area, or else I won't bother with you".

"Yeah yeah, don't worry, I'm not that illogical".

The one who was silent all this time suddenly interrupted and asked in an impatient tone.

" So is this the place where you felt the mark on chokatabra's soul? Why can't I see anything here except those two little ants ".

"Well it seems like those two destroyed this whole area as you can see, and no one except those four survived".

" Oh, four? You really won't stop that habit of yours in surveying the surrounding area even though no one can threaten you in this continent anymore?".

" Yeah well, we never know what can happen do we, anyway the Two in the Forest for sure have no connection with Chokatabra cause of how weak they are".

" Well, that's indeed correct, if Chokatabra will ever wanna revive, his target of possession will be someone strong enough to hold his soul, like these two tier 4's for example".

" But it's not like we are sure if he even managed to revive, after all, I only felt the mark for a split second here and can't be sure if he managed to resurrect ".

"Well this looks like a wasted trip giving the fact that we can't feel him at all, anyway let's go back to our business and if he really managed to revive and somehow escape this area before our arrival then we will again band together to take him down".

Saying so, one of the three finally looked at the two kneelings, however, the moment his eyes met the two figures, they directly turned into nothingness and faded without a trace, like they never existed in this world.

" Our fight will take place 50 years from now, I'll provide you with the location at that time".

" Yeah yeah, fucking battle manic, simply say that you wanna fight me and don't come with some stupid excuse like I want this place".

"Hahahahah, till another time friends".

" Ah, such a waste of time".

"Well, better safe than sorry".

With that the three spatial tears disappeared like they never existed in the first place, allowing darkness and silence to engulf the whole area again.