Tournament ( Part 2)

With that, the muscular man stretched his body for a few seconds, climbed on top of the room, and jumped in Robert's and Mike's direction.

Mike who was waiting for Robert to finish his scan couldn't help but ask again " so? Did you find out their Cultivation base or not yet?".

Robert looked at Mike with a smiling face and reported " Master, don't worry this is your lucky day, those two are only tier 1 early stage, I can take both of them alone, it will only take some effort that's all "

Hearing this, Mike's expression became a little excited. After all, he needs more strength and he urgently needs to reach tier 1 as well, so he can get whatever the Demon God of destruction left for him.

So, it doesn't matter where Mike's thoughts run to, all his thoughts and ideas will lead to the same conclusion, which, is that he needs to kill anything worth experience so he can get stronger.

Cause let's be honest here, he can't buy any skills or whatever if he have no money, and he for sure can't steal anything if he have no power, so yeah, he is basically in need of everything.

" Master, stay behind me, one of them is already rapidly approaching us" Robert hurriedly advised, while directly jumping in front of Mike to shield him.

" Yeah I got it, by the way, is that him over there?" Mike asked after seeing what looked like a human-shaped figure on the horizon.

" Yeah, that's him indeed" Robert confirmed.

Mike suddenly gave another order to Robert " Ah, I almost forgot, leave one Alive and if possible, capture both of them alive".

Robert nodded his head, he then amplified his voice with mana and questioned the figure approaching them.

"Which clan do you belong to, and how do you dare and show yourself in such a forceful way in front of my Master".

Robert asked that question mainly out of habit, he was after all an elder in a tier 2 family and always needed to ask about other people's backgrounds and actions before he himself takes action.

In this world, there is a saying that's known to everyone * Before you attack someone, you need to know who's behind them, or else you wouldn't even know how you died ".

That's obviously cause there exist some powerful clans, sects, and organizations that even one of them alone can threaten a whole kingdom and in some rare cases even empires.

So people got used to asking about other people's backgrounds, just so they can avoid calamity if they messed with the wrong people.

Some ignorant youngsters here might question this and say why all of this hassle, I'm good at hiding my tracks and no one will know who did it.

But that's simply a naive way of thinking, that's because soul stones exist which are of course used to know when their young geniuses died and almost everyone has such a thing on his soul if they have a high position obviously.

Except knowing when their young geniuses died, in a lot of cases, it can put a mark on the killer's body and then hunt the killer down and kill him, or even enslave him since it will benefit them more than just killing him.

The muscular man called Frey chuckled a little after hearing Robert's questions and mocked " If I tell you my clan's name, you might piss your pants out of fear, so are you sure that you wanna know?".

Frey inwardly was continuously cursing his back luck " Fck, fck this shit, why would someone closing in on tier 2 be around here. Well, this is honestly our mistake, we should have scanned the other party first and not acted arrogant just cause this is a remote town ".

" This is after all a tournament with some hidden prizes, which means they are valuable, so it's totally normal for competitors to be from decently ranked clans and accompanied by their elders for protection "Frey kept thinking over his lack of brain, and couldn't help but send a secret rescue message to his big sister.

A figure suddenly appeared from out of nowhere next to the warrior, which at this moment already crashed the ground out of his jump.

" Freya you're already here, I'm thankful for your immediate response" Frey thanked his sister while the sweat can be seen forming on his forehead.

Freya didn't even bother to answer or look at her little brother and directly announced "We are here by orders from the Frej clan, specifically we are here by orders from our father the current head of the clan, he sent us to win the tournament and get the mysterious prize".

Robert shuddered upon hearing the girl's words, he hastily pushed a hand behind his back and showed one finger.

Mike taught Robert a thing before they met those two people, which is a signal, number 1 is danger, number 2 is risky and number 3 is safe.

' Did he mistake the number or forgot the signals or what, he just told me that he can take on both of them without any problems, and now he is saying that it's dangerous' Mike was getting confused by all of this.

Robert knew that his master won't understand why is it dangerous to do anything here, so he simply answered the duo while on the same time giving an explanation to his master.

" So you guys are the rumored siblings, your tier 4 clan is really lucky to produce two genuine cultivators of your caliber in one go, I really envy everything that you have at such a young age" Robert commented hoping that his master will make the wise decision.

' Why the hell would a tier 4 family young geniuses be heading to Serene town exactly at this time, this really is unlucky, but I'll still have to make the decision whether to kill them or spare them, both have their advantages and disadvantages but which one should I choose 'Mike run his mind at full speed, trying to choose which actions he will take here.

After all, Mike does understand basic things about this world and one of those basic things that he is knowledgeable about is the clan's strength level, well he only knows what a tier 4 person is capable of doing right now.

He saw the fight above the village, and how the Hex family which is a tier 3 family is actually in possession of a dragon, but even with that, their clan head and his dragon easily died vs a tier 4 cultivator.

Mike isn't stupid as to actually offend a tier 4 family from the get-go over some experience, cause he is kind of afraid of how they will take revenge on him, since those two are basically their top talents, so their clan will for sure target him and do it all to eliminate him if he killed them.

He doesn't know how can they track him down, or even if they can track him down in the first place, he simply lacks a lot of information about this world and how the Cultivation and the power system work, and everything else that's important in this kind of situations.

So he simply chose the safest option here and disregarded his greed ' I'm not interested in being hunted and killed without even knowing how, so even if they can't track me or whatever, just to be safe I'll spare those two for now till I know more things about this world'.

Freya suggested to Robert, while already readying herself for a fight to break out " Sir, we both have no grudge against each other and no conflicts, so let's simply act like this never happened before and we both go our separate ways".

Robert hearing this, just turned his head towards Mike and responded " this will be up to my master, he will be making the decision and giving me the order for my next actions".

Freya actually grew confused by what the middle-aged man said and locked into the average-looking youth behind him.

'Since when do weaklings and youngsters have a say on what actions should an elder figure take in a situation like this' Freya was thinking, but she didn't dare to say it out loud afraid that it might complicate things to a whole different level.

After all, it's true that the young masters of clans and sects have a lot of say in a lot of things and will even be the ones to make decisions, but if things were related to fighting, the elder or the stronger one in the group will be the one to make the decision and not the other way around.

While Freya was swimming in her thoughts, she suddenly got interrupted by the youth's answer, which made her body and mind greatly relax.

" We certainly have no reason to fight with each other and I obviously won't make such a stupid decision, but I do have a few conditions if you really don't want that kind of outcome " Mike declared with a smiling face.

However, to the siblings who saw his smile, they couldn't help but view it as an evil expression, and that's cause the youth in front of them was literally threatening them and trying to take advantage of this situation.