A small interaction / Glossary

A few seconds ago

The moment Jeffrey spotted the old man walking toward him. Leon as always didn't wanna make things complicated, so he used a trick so no mishaps occur.

He obviously didn't use the same trick as the one he used on the guards, not cause he can't apply it on Jeffrey. It's just that Leon kind of respects his achievements in reaching tier 4.

Even though tier 4 is nothing in front of Leon, he still respects Jeffrey's hard work and decent talent that allowed him to stand a little higher from the other cultivators.

So instead of using the same trick, he used a better way to show his admiration for the middle-aged man guarding the door.

Leon calmly spoke to Jeffrey " Don't be rash young man, and don't be frightened of what I'm gonna show you".

He didn't bother to talk any further, so he casually sealed the place around them with a mana domain, and for a split second, he displayed his Cultivation to Jeffrey.