The Transfer Student

The silence and stares from the class hit her like a solid wall forcing her to an abrupt stop. Usually no one gave her so much as a glance and now everybody stopped what they were doing to solely focus on her. Knowing her classmates, something not so good had been brewing.

'I heard Xing Xing finally proved she is a girl today.'

Everyone laughed. Xing Xing looked down and sauntered to her seat. Fire was nothing compared to the rate at which news spread in the Academy.

That was Zixin, the boy that seemed to have no problem sacrificing his future just to entertain the class.

'The new guy must be better than the BH4s if he was able to make Xing Xing kneel for him.' Said Jin Yu, Zixin's assistant class entertainer.

'No one can be better than the BH4s.' said a girl.

'The new guy is world-wide best, the BH4s are no competition for him. You just haven't seen him yet.' Chirped another.

'I'm sure even the boys will fall for the new guy...'

Then everyone in the class was discussing away.

Xing Xing took a breather, glad some of the attention was shifted from her.

But it was nearly impossible for Szalay Academy students to shift their attention that easily.

Within a minute, Zixin hit the table to call for silence. 'The new guy was able to make Xing Xing fall for him at first sight, but she's been ignoring Felix for nearly two years.'

Xing Xing's heart skipped a beat. Felix was one of the two BH4s in her class, the most silent of the BH4s and the most-wealthiest of them all.

He was the second smartest in the class and never took part in discussions that were not contributing to his profile. More yet, Felix was the head of sports in the school.

All that proved the gap between Felix and Xing Xing. She didn't understand why Zixin would associate her to such a person.

Or maybe, another point to add to Felix's biography; like the rest of the BH4s, he had a million girls after him. In his case, that included girls outside their school.

'Yes, we even thought Xing Xing doesn't have feelings.'

'What are you talking about?' A girl, named Meng Yao, asked.

'Meng Yao, we know you're crazy after Felix, but are you also blind to see that he likes Xing Xing?' asked Qianfan.

'I can smell it in the air.' Joined Li Me. 'Meng Yao, have you lost your sense of smell too?'

Meng Yao's desk squeaked loudly as she roughly pushed it from her and walked out of the class.

'Here in the Crystal class, we boys stand for unity.' Zixin said. 'We are not going to let another person from nowhere take Xing Xing from one of us.'

Several boys agreed.

'You're only concerned about Xing Xing.' Some girl spoke without looking up from her phone. 'She's not the only girl in this class.'

'If you could attract anyone of the BH4s we'd be concerned about you too.' Jin Yu told her.

'The way Jin Yu and Zixin are going on about Xing Xing, I might start thinking they like her too.' Daiyu announced.

'Hey, do you have a problem?' Jin Yu asked.

'If you do, you're free to say it out loud.' Zixin added. 'No need to go through Xing Xing's name.'

'What?' Daiyu asked. 'Can I only talk when I have a problem? Or do you have a problem with me saying you like Xing Xing?'

'It's not a problem.' Qianfan said. 'Xing Xing is adorable; I also like her.'

Something small and sharp landed on Xing Xing's back.

'Xing Xing, may I have my pen?'

Sounded kind, right? That was Jia Li. The most perfect girl in school. She was also the most kind and humble girl at first sight.

Jia Li was tall, with the body all girls could only dream of and a skin with no blemish. Her face is a masterpiece. Her nose is a perfect sculpture between two white eyes with liquid gold irises and plump lips that were just the right size for her properly even teeth that she always showcased with her angelic smile.

Jia Li's perfection was completed by a blanket of neon yellow hair that almost looked fake only that everyone knew they were real. All that ensured that she always had beauty companies at her heels.

Xing Xing rose to return the pen.

'Xing Xing,' Her voice was low and smooth, one could almost physically feel it. But that was just how she spoke, and she knew it commandeered attention. 'You spoke to the new guy. Whats his name?'

'I don't know.' Xing Xing said.

'You don't know?' Caihong, one of Jia Li's friends, said. 'You think were dumb?'

Yu Jie, the other friend rolled her eyes. 'We all know you forced yourself on the new guy just to get his name at the lockers.'

'I believe her.' Jia Li quietly said.

'You do?' Yu Jie gasped

'Jia Li?' Asked Caihong.

'Yeah.' Jia Li straightened and looked at Xing Xing before she continued. 'Even I wouldn't want such a cheap tramp knowing my name but I've been with her for three years now.

Actually, Jia Li was quite mean if one gets to know her well, and pretty evil if one thought about it. The kindness and humble nature was only a farce.

Jia Li turned to her and looked genuinely surprised. 'Oh, Xing Xing, you're still here? I didn't really think you had the name. You know?'

Xing Xing felt herself color but somehow also relieved as she turned to leave. Her relief was short lived though when Jia Li and her girls started giggling.

Just then, their class supervisor entered.

'The principal is on his way.' Mr. Donghai quietly said.

Everyone sat up in their seats and silence filled the class. The principal entered. Excitement charged the atmosphere when everyone saw the person that followed the principal.

The principal checked every student in turn and when he was satisfied, he nodded to himself. 'Good morning students.'

The students rose. 'Good morning, sir.'

'You must be wondering why I personally came here this morning. I don't make it my duty to show transfer students to their class. This is an exception.' The principal turned to the class supervisor who was nodding in agreement. 'This is a transfer student from America. He'll introduce himself.'

'Hi, I'm a transfer student from America, Raluca Vincenti.'

The principal looked at the boy. 'You can tell them the name we discussed in the office. That might be hard for those struggling with English.'

The turned to write the name "Raluca Vincenti" on the board.

'The name Bai Lai...' The principal lowered his voice.

The boy was unmoved as he said to the class. 'Call me Raluca.'

The principal nodded and turned back to the class. 'I sincerely hope you make him wish he'd started all his high school education here.'

The students were amazed. The principal must have been in a good mood. He hardly ever made random appearances and started joking.

'Yes sir.' Zixin agreed with the principal loudly.

For everyone that knew Zixin, they understood Zixin meant the opposite. But the principal didn't know Zixin, and therefore took his meaning the wrong way.

'Are you the class president?' the principal asked.

'No sir.'

'I'm the class president,' Hui Ying announced. 'Hui Ying.'

'Very well, Hui Ying.' The principal looked at the new student and the class supervisor. 'I'll get going.'

'Okay sir.' Said Mr. Donghai. When the principal was gone, he turned to the class and spotted Zixin. 'Zixin, I hope you stay out of trouble.'

Zixin smiled. 'I will.'

The supervisor wasn't convinced but he went on any way, turning to the transfer student. 'You may find a seat anywhere.'

Raluca scanned the class and caught Xing Xing's eye.

Xing Xing looked away. What was he doing in her class? Would he want to sit next to her because she had helped him out with his locker earlier? Was he that type?

A minute later, Xing Xing used all the cells in her body to keep from hitting her head on the desk and shifting away when Raluca pulled out a chair next to her.


Even the name sounded mean.