Sia was excited to meet her friends, Lisa, Nat, and Iomah, at the café. They all had taken the day off from work and were looking forward to catching up with each other. They chatted and laughed, reminiscing about their past and catching up on each other's lives. They chatted about their school crushes to their embarrassing situations. They were having a good time. Sia felt at ease.
As they were chatting, Sia's phone beeped, and she saw a sweet text message from Daniel that read:
"Honey Just wanted to remind you to take your medicines. Hope you're having a good time."
Sia smiled. The other girls instantly realized that it was a text message from Daniel and they started teasing her. Sia blushed and took out her medicine from her bag. Iomah noticed that one of the pills was strange. She took the pill from her hands and asked:
"Why are you taking this medicine?"
She examined the medicine.
"The doctor had prescribed me.", Sia replied unknowingly.
"Are you sure?"
"I don't think so?"
"Because I don't think that any doctor would prescribe it."
Sia was confused. Iomah continued:
"Because this is a hallucinogen."
Sia was surprised. Iomah's concern was raised immediately as she realized that Sia might have been having hallucinations due to the intake of the pills.
Iomah expressed her concern to Sia and advised her to be cautious, suspecting that Daniel might have sneaked the hallucinogens into her medicine. Sia was taken aback, but as she thought about it, she started to realize that Iomah might be right. She was currently addicted to the pills, and it had been affecting her mental health.
Iomah advised Sia to lessen the intake of the hallucinogens until she no longer needed them and to be mindful of what she was taking. Sia took Iomah's advice to heart and started to be more careful with her medication. Sia decided to follow Iomah's advice, knowing that her friend only had her best interests at heart.
As the day went on, Sia couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. She started to feel paranoid and began to have mild hallucinations. She confided in Iomah about what was happening, and Iomah suggested that she visit a different psychiatrist for a second opinion.
After a few days, Sia saw another psychiatrist who confirmed that the medication she was taking was indeed causing her hallucinations. She was advised to switch to a different medication, and slowly but surely, she began to feel like her old self again.
As they continued chatting, Sia couldn't help but feel grateful for having friends like Lisa, Nat, and Iomah in her life. They had always been there for her, through thick and thin, and she knew that she could count on them for support and guidance whenever she needed it.