Get a room

Aselia's POV

I shot him an exasperated look: "Huh!!! What? Why would I eat it? I made that for you." That rascal knew what I was up to. Damnit, why didn't I see it coming?

"And, I want to share it with you, besides it looks so appetizing. Doesn't it?" he beamed at me with that sarcastic smile of his as he scooped some ravioli on the fork and offered me.

"I am not a baby, I can eat on my own." I glared at him.

"Open your mouth," he ordered and I complied unwillingly as he stuffed the ravioli in my mouth.

I tried to chew and it got stuck in my throat, it was overly salted and tasted like rubber. I tried to gulp it down but it refused to budge from my mouth towards my oesophagus. My eyes began to water while he looked at me with his arm propped on the table vertically, cupping his face in his hand and with an amused look on it. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me vomit. I tried another gulp and finally swallowed it down with difficulty.

"Water," he offered with his other hand and I snatched it out of his hand and guzzled it down. Meanwhile, Rivan was watching us with a puzzled expression. Xiran noticed this and smiled.

"Well, Aselia here thought she could outsmart me so I decided to punish her. It's just the beginning and we are already having so much fun. Right Aselia." He winked at me.

I still had the glass attached to my mouth. So, I just glared at him. What an asshole. I removed the glass from my face and he offered me another bite.

"I am not hungry, why don't you eat it? Since you were so eager about my cooking skills this morning and declared you will eat whatever I will prepare." His hand stopped midair at my remarks and he slowly took the fork toward his mouth. He didn't break the eye connection between us as he slowly opened it and licked the fork clean with his sumptuous lips and tongue. Then he lazily pulled the fork out like he had nothing else to do.

He slowly chewed the food as if savouring every bit of it before swallowing without any hesitation. "Delicious," he kissed the fork in his hand as if he had devoured the most appetizing dish ever. I just stared at him blankly.

Rivan smiled seeing my exasperated expression and said: "Leave it to Xiran to do the unknown."

He did the same with the main course, the steak was burnt to a crisp and I had added so much red chilli. But he didn't flinch and ate every last morsel. While I gagged at the one bite he offered me and he had to thump my back to help me breathe again. Nor did he complain about dessert and quietly ate every bit as he conversed with Rivan, who was enjoying his delicious meal prepared by Madam Marci.

"So, Aselia what did you use to do before coming here?" Rivan asked me trying to make small talk.

"I worked with a firm as a graphic designer, I enjoy art."

"Wow, that's amazing. You must be really talented."

"I am alright, I try to do everything with full dedication."

"Like cooking," Xiran added with sarcasm. I ignored him.

"Why did you choose to come here?" Rivan asked curiously, "I mean your kind detests us."

"I was bored, I needed some adventure. Plus money."

"Woah, I didn't expect that answer." He offered me a sweet smile. We made small talk for a little while longer. Xiran called Frila and said something in her ear and she left instantly. Madam Marci cleared the table and brought a glass of red liquid for Rivan.

"I apologise, but I was feeling rather ravenous." He slightly bowed to me.

"It's alright, I don't mind." But I found it strange that he drank out of a glass instead of directly from a person.

Just then Frila appeared with another girl who was clad in a skimpy see-through red dress. The only parts it covered were parts of her breast and buttocks to some extent. She had long raven black hair which was flowing behind her, a set of fuller lips and an hourglass figure. She seemed to glide toward us with so much confidence that only a model could ooze. Her black pencil heels made no noise.

She squeezed past me and went straight into Xiran's lap, straddling him with her spindling legs. Her deep brown eyes dug into his grey ones as he held her close by her tiny waist. While she dug both her hands into his silver hair and started to eat his lips as if she had forever hungered for them.

I had no clue what was going on while Rivan was glancing at me with an amused look and I peeked at him with a confused expression.

"That's Triea, Xiran's other girl," Rivan explained.

"Oh! right. Get a room you two." I squealed at them, my sudden words almost made Rivan choke on his red liquid. While Triea stopped eating Xiran's lips, turned and glared at me.

"And, who are you to dictate us? Exactly." Her expression was so angry as if I had stolen her favourite toy. Xiran peeked at me from the side too.

"Clearly someone disgusted, it's rude to just saunter over without an introduction when a group of people is sitting and start your salacious acts. There's a time and place for this stuff. That's why I said get a room." I shrugged my shoulders at her and my words set her on fire. Rivan was trying his utmost to not laugh while Xiran was dumbfounded.

"What did you just say to me? Did you just try to call me a slut?" She yelled at me and tried to move in my direction but Xiran held her tightly by her waist.

"I did no such thing but you are free to assume whatever you like sweetie." My big mouth had no bounds.

"Master, who is she? Are you going to let her talk to me like that?" She had clearly guessed she was no match for me in verbal assaults so she went for the easiest trick in the book. Boost your man's ego to make him take your side. She pouted.

"Aselia, that's enough." Xiran shot me a slightly angry look. Viola, it worked for her.

"Whatever, I will be heading to my room anyways. It was good to meet you Rivan." I passed him a smile before making my way back to my room. Leaving three individuals behind, one laughing his head off while two were in a state of perplexity and bewilderment.