
Aselia's POV

I came to my room and slumped on the bed. The memories of last night hit me like a whirlwind. Why did I enjoy it so much? The tenderness and delicacy of his touches were making me question all my beliefs about vampires. I had always seen them as dubious creatures, that needed to be put down or be sent to Valiois. There was something different about him, something I can't see yet. I would keep probing until I know everything that there is to know about him.

I got up and rampaged through my cupboard. I took out a navy blue yoga shirt, black athletic pants and a pair of blue trainers. Making my way to the bathroom I changed into them and placed my clothes in the laundry basket to be taken away for washing.

My hair was still wet so I blow-dried them and neatly bound them in a ponytail. Coming out of the bathroom I switched on the large screen on the opposite side of my bed and began to skim through the channels, trying to find something interesting to watch.

After a while, Frila came to fetch me. "You look ready for the gym," she commented.

"Yes, I am getting tired of being couped up. A little bit of sparring and gym will do me good. Need to stay in shape."

"Perfect, let's go. Señor is waiting for you." I followed her to the training room. Frila knocked on the door. "Enter," his voice was calm.

Frila opened the door and we entered. "Thank you, Frila you may leave." She bowed slightly and left.

Xiran was standing in the centre of the room. His hair was tied neatly on the top of his head in a tight bun. There was a neon loop drawn on the ground around him with a diameter of 3 meters. "Take off your shoes and step inside the circle." His expression was serious, he meant business. I did what he said.


1. One point for each hit one of us lands.

2. No targeting of private areas.

3. You lose the round if you are pushed out of this circle by your opponent.

4. Whoever gets to three points first will win."

He explained to me how we were to go about it. I nodded as I took my stance and made eye contact with him. His orbs burnt with excitement, and I smirked.

I threw a back kick at his face which he perfectly blocked making me adjust my body to go with a hook one aimed at his torso, which barely grazed him as he swiftly jumped back.

"That's one point to me," I smirked. "Ahhh, I see you are not as slow as you let Carios believe." He smiled back at me.

"Damn Carios, has he been snitching on me?" I was angry. "Well, what else did you expect?" The smile that evil smile had become permanent on his face.

And he threw a punch at me without warning, I dodged just in time and it missed me by an inch. I tried to grab his arm but he uppercut me landing a clean blow to my chin. The blow wasn't that hard but it propelled me back a bit.

"One point to me," he tilted his head again as if taunting me. "Uggggh, my turn." This time I tried a cross punch to his neck, which he blocked with his left hand efficiently and tried to grab my arm with his right hand but I stepped back just in time. He wasted no time in jabbing at me, which I escaped by bending down and he was ready for me with an upper kick which hit my nose, lightly, propelling me backwards as I lost my balance and fell on my bottom.

"Damnit," I cursed but I had to keep it real, no way I could give him the expression I was a pro.

"You ok, Aselia." His simpering told me he was enjoying it too much. He squatted in front of me and tried to inspect my nose with his hand, but I slapped it away.

"I am fine, let's continue." He got up with an amused expression.

I got to my feet and aimed my kick at his knee, he jumped in the air to avoid it letting me slide. He landed softly and I tried another low kick but this time he caught my leg and pulled me toward him. I collided with him and he let go of my leg as he held me by my waist and squeezed hard. I tried to free myself but he had an iron-clad grip. I kicked his shin but still no effect.

As he gazed into my eyes and said: "You got caught, Aselia. What will you do now? Seems like there is no escape." Well, there is always a way to escape.

I headbutted him really hard and seemed like he wasn't expecting it coz his grip loosened for a fraction and I freed myself and stepped back. He rubbed his forehead and laughed.

"Not bad," but the next second he threw an upper punch I tried to block with my left hand but he captured it with his right. Twisting it he pinned it behind my back and rammed himself against me, holding my neck in his left hand he whispered: "Never let your guard down against your opponent, it can have serious repercussions." His breath was hot against my skin as he squeezed my neck lightly and I squirmed. He didn't let me go, his firm hold on my wrist tightened as he grazed his nose on my neck.

"Let me go, Xiran," I growled. "You have been caught, get yourself free. What will you do if it will happen in real life?" He asked me softly. His proximity was making it impossible for me to focus right now. Damn him, why was he affecting me so much.

"Elbow, Aselia. Your right arm is free. You should elbow me in the gut to escape." It was a basic technique and yet my mind had gone blank. When I didn't move, he let me go and turned my body to face him.

"What's wrong?" There was concern written all over his face.

"Nothing, I just blanked out a bit."

"When you will train more, a time will come that you won't blank out. Muscle memory is essential in training, it develops with practice and once you perfect it. There is no stopping you." He cupped my face in his hand and rubbed his thumb on my bruised chin. It felt so soothing and calm and I couldn't help but close my eyes to feel him do it.

"Never let the enemy know you are afraid or weak, put up a bold front. Although, in your case, you might defeat all of your opponents with that bratty mouth of yours." My eyes flew open at that insolent remark.