Don't mess with me

Aselia's mind was in turmoil. She understood his need to protect her as he considered her to be some innocent naive girl. She felt frustrated at him, if she wasn't trapped in such a compromising situation she would show him that she didn't need his protection.

Was the vampire she sought coming tomorrow? Since he hunted down elves, could it be the reason Xiran didn't want her to attend? Because he knew how dangerous he was. If that was the case, she needed to go to the party. She had to make a plan.

Yurian had gone back on her instructions and his replacement was Marhia; she was a very professional senior hunter and kept everything to the point. Marhia was able to charm a high-ranking vampire who would be attending the party. She would be there but she needed Aselia to point her toward their target.

Aselia knew without her presence this would be a bust and she wasn't sure when the next opportunity will arise. She sat down, planned and calculated her every move and risk she will be taking. After that, she contacted Marhia and provided her with complete details of the plan.

She then slipped under her blanket trying to warm her cold body when she heard a knock on her room. "Who is it?"

"It's me Frila," she opened the door and entered. "Señor asked me to check on you. Are you alright?"

"I am fine, I am not a baby who needs constant checking. Tell him to check his other girls." Aselia was upset and she wanted to show it. Frila walked over and sat near her.

"You understand he cares for you a lot. He does for all of us and this is his way to protect you." Frila placed her hand on Aselia's arm.

"Well too bad I don't need his protection. I can take care of myself."

"No you can't, not with the kinds of creatures coming to the party tomorrow. Get some sleep now it will clear your mind. I will be staying with you until tomorrow." Frila smiled reassuringly at her while Aselia frowned.

The next morning Aselia was very clear about what her plan was. She patiently waited for nightfall so she could sneak out. Frila brought her breakfast but she was too anxious to eat.

"Aselia, you need to eat. Señor would be very cross if he discovered you haven't eaten your breakfast." Frila was worried.

"He won't know if you won't tell him." Aselia shrugged making Frila sigh. "Please eat something, I can't lie to Señor."

Aselia picked up the smallest grape possible from the fruits Frila had brought and popped it into her mouth: "There I have eaten, now you don't have to lie to him." Frila wanted to laugh at her antics but kept herself in check and gave her a stare.


Xiran was wearing a white three-piece suit with a black tie. His hair was neatly tied in a bun over his head. Adjusting the tie he was all set for the meeting with all the influential vampires and human representatives who had been invited. His goal was to pave a bridge between human and vampire societies where they could co-exist.

The Conference Room was strategically designed. There were no windows to prevent a sudden attack from outside. The floor was made up of white marble while the walls were silver-white. A gigantic chandelier with white crystals hung in the centre of the room. An enormous round table with 30 chairs had been placed under the chandelier. All guests had already been seated when Xiran walked in. He shook hands with everyone and thanked them for coming. Then he took his seat at the front of the table and the conference started.

Every kind of issue being faced by both Human and Vampire races was discussed. Xiran addressed the bar incident and told them in detail how it was dealt with. They were still looking for the person responsible. Vampires were apprehensive of 'Hunters' and wanted to deal with this threat. Xiran reminded them that the need for hunters was arisen due to genocide and ruthless killings of elves and humans. Both those races didn't trust vampires anymore, and as a result, vampires were being hunted down. They needed to build trust between the races to make it work and for that rules and safe spaces like his city were necessary. Not everyone agreed with Xiran's plans but the conference ended on a high note that some of them wanted to adapt their lifestyles to escape being hunted down and getting sent to 'Valiois'.

After the conference, everyone had a lunch break and then they went to their allotted rooms to rest and finally change for tonight's party.

In Aselia's room situation didn't change much as Aselia refused to eat lunch as well making Frila worried and agitated. As the evening time came Aselia complained of feeling nauseous and wanted something refreshing to drink. She asked Frila if both of them could enjoy some fresh juice and called Madam Marci to send some. Aselia received the drinks and skillfully added a few drops from the vial Yurian had given her in Frila's glass. She kept the dose to only three drops so it will gradually take effect and Frila won't consider a foul play. She hid the vial back in her long sleeve hoodie.

Frila was happy that Aselia had finally decided to drink something so they both sat down talking and drinking the fresh lemon juice. It took an hour for the dose to take effect as Frila's eyes began to droop. Aselia told her to rest a bit and she finally slumped on the bed. She wouldn't be awake for 4-5 hours now.

Aselia adjusted the sharp blade back on the vial, she then took out the golden-coloured masking scent liquid. Taking a few drops she rubbed them all over her body. Then she wore a simple black tunic dress with pockets and hid her hair, ears and face with a black scarf. She took the keys from Frila's purse and unlocked her door. Quietly crossing the corridors she reached the deserted hall where she was first brought. She climbed the stairs and unlocked the door on top which was always kept locked so no one could come in or go out. Only Xiran, Carios and Frila carried the keys.

She reached the top, the door opened into another corridor which led to the main hall. Due to the party being in full swing it was deserted and no one was expecting her to come out. She slowly moved toward the hall and peeked her head to see.

There were two vampires on duty in the hall, she knew she could take them as they were facing the opposite side. There was a camera above her head pointed toward the main door of the hotel's lobby. She removed her scarf, twisted one end to make a ball and aimed for the camera. The cloth ball hit the camera making it face the roof.

Now, for the vampires. Taking out the blade she stealthily approached the near one from behind, placing her hand on his mouth she injected half of the vial's content into his neck, making him go limb instantly. She dragged his body to the corridor and left him there.

The other vampire was in a love conversation over the phone and from the looks of it, he won't be stopping any time soon. She neared him when he suddenly turned but she throat-punched him before he could see who attacked him. He bent over in pain, unable to breathe and she emptied the rest of the vial in his neck. She picked up the phone and put it to her ear, a girl's voice was saying: "Hello, hello" must be a girlfriend. She changed her voice and spoke: "I told him not to cheat on me." She cut the call and threw his phone over him as she dragged him to the corridor.

Now she had to reach the second floor. The first floor was hosting the party so she decided to head to the second floor and observe from there. She just needed to find a perfect spot. She took the stairs to reach the second floor, no one takes the stairs, and everyone prefers the elevator or escalator.