
He was afraid to touch her standing at the bedside and listening to her steady heartbeat.

"Thump! Thump,"

He felt a tiny hope creep into his agitated heart. She was alive and that was what mattered most right now. Her hands and arms were bandaged and he knew that the incident will not only leave marks on her skin but also her heart, mind and most disturbingly, her soul.

He wanted to stroke her hair and caress her cheek just to let her know he was there and she was safe now. But he restrained himself and just stood there watching her for a long time. A nurse brought him a chair to sit in when she came to check her vitals and give her more pain meds.

He sat down placing his head near her bandaged hand, the tip of his nose slightly touching her baby finger. He just wanted to feel her, even a tiny bit of her was sufficient.