Texting with Rivan

Although Xiran would have preferred to call him he didn't want to leave Aselia alone and certainly didn't want to wake her up.

Xiran texted him in the middle of the night:

[ Rivi!!! u awake buddy. Reply to me as soon as you get this. Don't call.]

Rivan was fast asleep but woke up from the notification. This was his private number and only a select few had it. He blinked his eyes a few times to wake his senses and then peeked at the phone with hazy eyes.

All his sleep evaporated when he saw it was Xiran's text with a condition not to call. He found it strange but he knew that Xiran was spending time away with Aselia. Actually, most of it was planned by Rivan so they would get to know each other better.

He opened the message box and texted back:

[ Hey, Xi!!! what's up? Is everything ok with the two of you? I am here. ]

Xiran saw his friend's message and replied: