The Ominous Birthday Party

The party had begun. A few guests were invited who had already arrived, wearing all black. The tables along the wall were covered with black satin and filled up with various varieties of food. A three-layered black and golden cake had been placed in the center. A simple gold candle and gold leaves adorned the cake. 

Xiran stepped inside the dungeon hall, clad in all black. A woolen black high neck that hugged his perfectly toned body and left very less to the imagination, along with black slacks and a pair of black sandals. The sandals accentuated his slender feet and shapely elegant toes. 

His velvety strands were neatly combed and flowed behind him. While a front flick which had been recently cut fell into his left eye. His left hand was in the pocket of his slacks and he wore a wicked smile on his face as he greeted the guests. He seemed out of this world.