An Awkward Dance

Aselia's POV 

From the corner of my eye, I saw Frila descend the stairs. "Frila!!!" I called her. She came over to me.

"Open the door, I want to go back to my room." The colour on her face drained at my request, and I looked at her with questions in my eyes. 

"It's rude to leave the party when guests are still here, don't you think Aselia." I heard Xiran call out to me, his hand in the air that held the keys. There was a smile on his face that didn't meet his eyes. His hair that fell in his left eye gave him a menacing look. My heart somersaulted at his action, I wanted to punch something so hard right now. My fists automatically clenched. 

He had taken the keys from Frila, so I won't be able to go back. How much torture had he prepared for me today? Maybe he thinks his actions don't affect me, he thought me to be the same Aselia he met months ago. Who wasn't affected when he made out with Treia in front of her?