Heart to Heart

"You met her in Fritez City?" Xiran asked in a surprised tone. 

"We wouldn't have sent her there alone without a backup." Yurian's words made sense but Xiran didn't understand how they communicated or met and he was sure Yurian won't reveal all the secrets to him. 

"And I guess you won't tell me the details," Xiran asked politely. 

"Sorry, can't do that." 

"I understand, one thing more. How come you don't have a scent?" Xiran was very inquisitive on this front, he had never come across someone who didn't have a scent or could completely mask it. 

"It's part of my many charms," Yurian replied while straightening his back and puffing out his chest, he wore a haughty expression on his face. This made Xiran chuckle and he could see why Aselia was comfortable with him. He was comical and clever, he knew how to dodge questions.