My heart hurts too

Xiran almost cried out in hysteria seeing Aselia's hair, she had cut them as short as his, making herself look like a boy. Her silky golden locks were reduced to short strands of hair, jutting out at weird lengths, this revealed to him that she had cut them on her own, taking out all her frustration on her hair. 

The fearless hunter never let an opportunity slip by to give him a heart attack and this hurt him more than seeing his own hair gone. Xiran took in a sharp breath, for the pain in his heart had magnified tenfold. His heart beat louder and more restless, seeing her in such a state, his wings wanted to jet out and engulf her. Why Aselia? Why would you hurt yourself? His mind screamed again and again but she couldn't hear him, she wouldn't even look at him. 

Aselia didn't meet his gaze, her expression was pained, and her swollen red eyes told him she had been crying all night. Instead, she addressed the man sitting in front of Xiran.