Consume me with your kiss

(This chapter is dedicated to three lovely ladies who have been my constant support and have been impatiently waiting for Xiran and Aselia to finally kiss, so here you go ladies. @QueenFrieza @Tres_Aguila and @JuujuuSky. Thank you for all the love and gifts.)

Xiran thought that day might never come when she will willingly confess her love to him, bare her feelings to him or kiss him. Yet, all that was happening on the same day in a matter of hours.

He felt he was dreaming, it couldn't be real, could it? Any time he would wake up and she will be gone back to being cold and distant to him. He blinked several times at her, hoping to fathom the reality of what was happening.

He closed his eyes at her words and opened them after what seemed like an eternity to Aselia, and yet there she was holding his face with her soft hands, watching him expectantly, waiting for his approval. This was real, she was real, and what he heard was real too.