Going Home

Xiran's POV

I sprinted out of the headquarters and a few hunters followed me in their modified vehicles but weren't able to catch me, for my speed was faster than theirs. Once I was out of their range, I decided to wait in an abandoned building for the night to fall. It was not safe to fly during the day and I needed some rest. 

My heart still ached at the thought of leaving her behind but she had asked for my trust and I had to give it to her. Would she be safe? She betrayed her organization just to get me out of there, my heart was sinking. I shouldn't have left her there, they were going to hurt her and she would never even tell me. 

Frustrated I kicked the dilapidated wall of the old building I had taken shelter in and it almost fell on me. "Great, yes fall on me. As if I hadn't suffered enough in the past few days." I glowered at the wall.