Mission with Wolf.

Aselia reached the weapons room and Silver Wolf was already there. He glared at her as she swiftly walked and stood beside him. He spoke in a crisp voice:

"We two have our differences but this is the mission and I know you take them seriously. We have to act as a team if we want results. I will debrief you on it and then we will select weapons, accordingly." 

"Yes, I understand," Aselia answered as Silver Wolf began to explain to her the mission they had been assigned. A vampire had escaped from the walled city of 'Valiois' where they had been housing vampire families who wanted to live peacefully in Treskilaya. 

The escaped vampire was now wreaking havoc in the nearby cities and needed to be put down. They were tasked with apprehending the vampire, either dead or alive. Silver Wolf only told Aselia that it was a female vampire. The age was not mentioned and it was a sensitive mission, they had to apprehend the culprit as soon as possible.