Does he hate me?

"My girl, alright let me grab a pair of scissors," he announced while rubbing the back of his head and carrying a cheeky expression. 

"Xiran, do you even know how to do that?" Aselia questioned him seeing the jaded look he was giving her. 

"No, but I can try. How difficult it could be?" This made Aselia laugh. She had to applaud him for trying to make the situation light and hide the fact he had no clue whatsoever. 

"Sure, what can go wrong except they will become more haphazard," she pursed her lips to hide the smile that was trying to escape her. 

"Hmm, I think I have a better idea. Let's eat and I will take you somewhere. If you are not tired and do not want to rest," he asked.

"I am not tired at all," she wanted to see where he would take her. 

The door knocked and Xiran gave permission to enter. Frila arrived with their food, the savoury smell filled the air inside the room and Aselia took in a deep breath.