Choosing the Perfect Dress

Aselia let out a sigh and muttered: "This man will be the death of me," before moving forward towards the glass cases which held mannequins clad in magnificent dresses in various sizes and shades. 

"Ma'am, anything you like? Anything, in particular, you are looking for? Or any preferred colour?" Roxie inquired as she explained the textures and materials to Aselia of the various dresses in front of her. Which were either too revealing or too flashy for her taste. 

"Any colour other than black will work," Aselia responded while skimming through the dresses, "and nothing too flashy, something simple but in good taste would suffice." 

"I understand, let me show you some of my elegant designs. This way, please," she led Xiran and Aselia a little bit further into a different section.