We will win them back.

Once Carios and Frila were gone, Aselia joined Xiran who was in a bad mood, he was sulking like a child whose ice cream had been stolen. She sat down beside him and touched his arm, he turned his head to glance at her with stormy eyes and spoke:

"Carios was ten years old when I saved him from some drunk vampires and turned him into one too because I couldn't bear to see a child die in my arms. He has been with me for the last 20 years and he is one person I trust most after Rivan. He has never turned down my order before, but to threaten you like that, I wanted to snap his neck." 

"Xiran, he only said that out of love for you. He just wanted me to feel a fraction of pain through his words for I caused you harm. He has been with you for 20 years and you have known me for barely one. Care to think how he feels that a girl whom he brought was the cause of your heartbreak," Aselia tried to provide Carios's perspective to Xiran.