Rivan caught the key with one hand, his other was still holding Aselia's shoulder. But Aselia calmed down as soon as she saw Rivan, and she let him guide her to the room they had just exited from. 

Rivan opened the door and carefully led her inside and closed the door behind them. Aselia's whole frame was shaking with anger, she went over to the lounger and sagged on it. Her heartbeat was crazy as she tried to reel all the emotions in. 

Grabbing the bottle of red wine, she poured herself another glass and lowering the mask she gulped it down, hoping it might calm her nerves. Taking off her mask she threw it on the table.

"Are you alright?" Rivan questioned wearily, staying close to the door as he observed her movements. 

"I am trying to be," she breathed out putting the glass down. "Sorry, I didn't mean to cause all that drama," she replied apologetically.