Gift for Aselia

Aselia helped Xiran sit down at the edge of the bed. As much as he hated violence, circumstances always made him choose it. As much as he hated taking a life, circumstances will always lead him to do it. He would always put up appearances in front of people, but deep down it gnawed at his soul. 

Aselia kneeled in front of him and took his hands in hers as he spoke:

"There is nothing I hate more than taking a life, but my father always makes sure that I always end up doing it. I feel like one of these days my heart will be so darkened that the little light that still lingers in it will forever be extinguished." 

Listening to his words, Aselia placed her head on his lap and whispered: "You have so much goodness inside that beautiful heart of yours, you don't even know Xiran. Ask me, ask my heart. I am sorry you have to resolve to violence for my sake."