Peace Treaty Between Mortal Enemies

Once Aselia and Yurian were gone. Xiran took deep breaths to stay in control, she was going to be so mad at him. He could foresee it, the way she had spoken to him before leaving was evidence she was about to rain hellfire on him. 

"A few more conditions before we move forward with the meeting. I want Yurian to be restored as her partner instead of this schumck," Xiran pointed with his long pointed finger toward Silver Wolf. 

He opened his mouth in protest but Aldridge glared at him to stay quiet. Xiran continued:

"And restore her status as Platinum hunter, she deserves better after everything she has done for your organisation and is still doing. I am saying all this in her absence because she would never want me to, but you people have hurt her enough. So show her the respect she deserves."