Xiran's Conditions

They stared at each other for some time, with Silver Wolf and Agent 93 making no effort to do as they were told. Yurian and Aldridge didn't carry any weapons so Aselia had to interject again. 

"Xiran is right, weapons are not needed at a peace meeting. We are in his city so we should abide by his rules."

"How can we know he won't kill us instantly once we hand over our weapons," Silver Wolf's words held animosity. His gaze shifted between Aselia and Xiran, certainly not pleased. 

"You shouldn't have come if you don't trust him. Partner," Aselia spoke the last word with a bit of derision. Before Silver Wolf could snap back at her Aldridge spoke:

"It's ok, we will respect the wishes of our host. Hand over your weapons, we need to build trust if we want this to work." 

After Aldridge's words, the weapons were handed over to Warise amidst some grunts and shaking of heads. Warise collected all their weapons and with Xiran's permission, left the room.