Yurian's Memories

Two days had passed since they had returned from Fritez City and Aselia was still in an ominous mood. Yurian tried a few times to cheer her up but her mood didn't improve. This had him over the edge and his anxiety was spiking. 

They were in the cafeteria having lunch when another hunter informed him that Wasp was back from a collective team mission. Three teams were merged and sent against some rogue vampires and since Yurian wasn't here, Wasp accompanied them. 

"Partner, I have to go inform Wasp about the partner change. She is going to create a fuss so stay here and I will deal with her alone," Yurian told her while getting up. 

"Ok, be back soon though, we have training later, and if she gave you any trouble I will come for her," Aselia informed him while taking a bite out of a chicken piece.