
Xiran opened the door and stepped inside the office with the broken window and dented wall. Strings of arrows were strewn all over the floor and the two men were seated on the seats, their gazes were towards Xiran. 

"He left? Just like that?" Xiran inquired, taking quick strides he approached the nearby sofa and settled down. 

"We had to negotiate, even the power rendering serum didn't work on him properly and our combined powers were still not enough to hold him at bay," Prince Casmian informed him, his hand jostling his perfect reddish-golden hair which fell to his shoulders.

"He killed Carios, I want him dead," Xiran informed them with gritted teeth, his heart bled at the thought as Carios's face flashed across his eyes. A displeased look crossed Prince Casmian's face while Amonidus spoke in a soft voice: