Cold and Hollow

Xiran felt apprehensive at Rumail's words but he only curtly nodded. Turning to Rivan he asked: 

"Can you take Frila with you? I will talk to Rumail."

"Yes, let's head to our secret hideout. Amidst all the chaos, it remained untouched so it's safe to assume that the enemy doesn't know about it yet," Rivan suggested while taking Frila by the hand from Xiran and guiding her to his side. 

"Yes, you go ahead, Rumail and I will follow behind," Xiran instructed him. Rivan took Frila along with him and left in his car. 

Rumail and Xiran finished up the work in the cemetery and with one final lingering glance at Carios's grave, they both left in Xiran's car. Rumail drove while Xiran sat in the passenger seat, lost in thoughts. 

"Señor, I heard back from my source who successfully infiltrated the hideout where they had taken Treia and found out what they wanted with her," Rumail cautiously began to provide him with the details he had learnt.