Unknown Caller

Rivan entered the nightclub and began searching for his friend in a sea of drunk people. He saw Rumail behind the counter and made his way over to him. 

"Did you see Xi?" he asked his younger brother. Rumail who was dealing with multiple customers had gotten distracted and didn't see Xiran leave. 

"He was just here, having drinks. Last I saw him he was talking to a girl," Rivan scowled at Rumail's words and gave him a strange look. 

"Girl? He doesn't talk to them anymore. How much you gave him to drink?" 

"A lot. He wanted to get drunk," Rumail blushed and rubbed the back of his head. 

"You made him get drunk and then didn't bother to keep an eye on him. He probably left with a random girl, you understand what will this lead to? And who will have to deal with the consequences? Where is your brain today?" Rivan quietly chided his brother, so only he could hear and not the customers.