
It was Yurian's birthday. Aselia got up early to help Esma bake a cake for him. They had decided to celebrate the birthday in the afternoon with Yurian's parents and then head out for the night with fellow hunters and celebrate it at a nightclub. Both of them had taken a day off today. Aselia had called Foxi and had left instructions to call her in case some mission was assigned or there was a sudden attack.

"Good Morning!" Aselia wished Esma as she entered the kitchen. 

"Good Morning my dear. Let's get done with the breakfast and then we can bake a cake for Yurian," Esma was tying an apron around her waist. 

"Sounds like a plan," both women got down to cooking. Aselia helped as much as she could without burning the kitchen down. 

After arranging the table and placing the cake in the fridge, Aselia went to wake him up. She had decided to give him his gift, which she had ordered a few days ago. It was wrapped up in gift paper and a ribbon was tied to it.