Purchasing The Perfect Bike

Aselia was overly excited. She had decided to buy a bike and Jaguar was about to assist her. 

"Are you ready?" he asked handing her the helmet.

"I am, let's do it," she propped the helmet on her head and climbed on his bike. In the past month, she had become more comfortable with him and didn't hesitate to travel on his bike. 

Jaguar started the bike and both headed off to a Bike Showroom to buy one for her. They needed to visit a different city for it so Yurian instructed her to mask her scent and not take off her helmet there. 

The weather was gradually changing and the spring season was setting in. The grass was returning to its original shade of green while flowers were ready to share their colours and fragrance with the world again. 

Soon they arrived at their destination. While Jaguar took off his helmet, Aselia kept it on so her face and hair remained hidden and only her eyes could be seen.