Can I Borrow Some Make-up?

Aselia was discharged the next day and was asked to rest. Jaguar had taken her bike to the base, too afraid of Esma he didn't dare bring it home for her. 

Esma, Razian and Rony were overjoyed to have her all to themselves for a few days and took good care of her.

While Esma cooked all her favourite dishes and gossiped. Razian and Aselia had some healthy discussions on the current affairs of the world. They also watched a few movies by Paul Strioins. He was Razian's favourite actor as well. 

"The man never ages. I wonder if he is a vampire," Razian said out loud while eating crisps with Aselia, Rony was perched up in his lap. He had grown quite large in the last few months. 

"I was hoping that he would start to show some signs of ageing so I can love him more but I guess that's not happening and he is going to leave me disappointed," Aselia sighed heavily.