Vampire and The Princess

The Kingdom of Wilsburj experienced many changes as the firstborn vampires began to adjust to their newly acquired powers. With their heightened sense of smell, they began to attack their own families for their blood. 

Chaos broke loose, families were torn apart, and other species were called for help to counter the threat of vampires. A rift developed between vampires and elves. 

Armaros struggled for days, trying to figure out his newfound powers. He wanted to test the deadly power that simmered inside him. With his heart turned cold and his faith lost in the elven race he was out for revenge.

They had wronged him for the past 18 years, and it was time to pay them back for all the humiliation and shame they had caused him. 

The security around the royal palace had been tightened. Armaros made his way to the palace, the same guards who had beaten him up were guarding the main door.