Ancestral Roots

Hildara's eyes flickered back to normal after this and she awkwardly blinked. Trying to figure out what had happened she felt spaced out for a second. 

Armaros was watching her with haunting eyes as if he had seen a ghost. Seeing him Hildara asked in a confused state:

"What?" Armaros eyed her curiously before asking:

"You don't remember what you just said?" 

"I remember not agreeing to help you annihilate the elven race," he snickered at her answer, knowing she had just made a prophecy but forgotten about it. 

Stepping closer to her he grabbed her by the neck and brought her closer to him before grunting in her ear:

"Join me and I will spare you and your family. I will make you affluent and everyone will respect you. Stand against me and I will end your life."