She Wants The Truth

From that day forward Aselia began to secretly observe Yurian's reactions to phone calls and texts and she could easily discern when it was Frila who had texted him.

There would be this beautiful shine in his eyes whenever he would receive her text. She could swear his cheeks would change their colour too and a warm smile would occupy his lips. 

A contented feeling would creep up in Aselia's heart and settle but still, she would longingly wait for him to tell her about Frila but Yurian never did. It disappointed her but she didn't want to make him uncomfortable. She stopped spending too much time with him especially at night, thinking he needed to talk to her. She started spending more time with Jaguar. 

Yurian felt that and one day asked her about it as both of them were heading home in the car.

"I feel like you are avoiding me. Has anything happened?" 

"No, why would you think like that?" Aselia defensively replied.