
Sohlia almost couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Xiran standing in front of her. The wrath she was harbouring subsided and was replaced by a sinister smile which Xiran knew too well. 

"Señor! What a pleasant surprise. I haven't seen you in more than a year now," she mocked him, her eyes roaming his body like a scanner. She loved what she saw for her eyes had taken a lustful twinkle. 

"It's been a blissful duration without you or Xifin soiling my vision with your despicable existence," the malice in his words had her removing that mocking expression from her face. The three people standing behind Xiran hid their laughter seeing Sohlia's face. 

"Of course, how can I forget the way you treated us and threw us out of your city just because of that girl," she dared not insult Aselia in front of him again. She remembered his wrath the last time.